Surussavadi Chuarchart


Érase una vez una estrella
Script Consultant
Una compañía de cine y farmacia itinerante viaja para difundir la alegría de las películas dobladas en vivo, mientras superan dificultades, engaños y alcanzan sus sueños.
Pongsatorn is a teacher in Thailand working on his thesis for his Master's degree. His chosen subject his the life and works of a French Catholic priest who lived in Thailand in the early part of the 20th century. His professor rejects his early drafts to his anger before realising the professor has pushed him to fully understand his chosen topic.
Pongsatorn is a teacher in Thailand working on his thesis for his Master's degree. His chosen subject his the life and works of a French Catholic priest who lived in Thailand in the early part of the 20th century. His professor rejects his early drafts to his anger before realising the professor has pushed him to fully understand his chosen topic.