Pongsatorn Kosolpothisup


Pongsatorn is a teacher in Thailand working on his thesis for his Master's degree. His chosen subject his the life and works of a French Catholic priest who lived in Thailand in the early part of the 20th century. His professor rejects his early drafts to his anger before realising the professor has pushed him to fully understand his chosen topic.
Pongsatorn is a teacher in Thailand working on his thesis for his Master's degree. His chosen subject his the life and works of a French Catholic priest who lived in Thailand in the early part of the 20th century. His professor rejects his early drafts to his anger before realising the professor has pushed him to fully understand his chosen topic.
Dorm (My School)
Ton es un niño que no necesita mucho esfuerzo para destacar en el colegio, por lo que vive pendiente de la televisión. Su padre decide mandarlo a un internado donde pueda profundizar en sus estudios. El niño no se encuentra muy contento con esto porque sabe que la decisión de su padre se debe a otras razones. En el internado, escuchará de otros niños una historia típica de fantasmas sin saber que ello iniciará una aventura extrasensorial que no sólo le perturbará sino que le beneficiará, ya que aprenderá a mejorar su relación con sus padres y ayudará a una profesora a seguir con su vida adelante.