Marc-Benoît Créancier


La Morsure
A Catholic schoolgirl is convinced tonight is her last night on Earth and decides to attend a costume party with her best friend.
Delegated Producer
95-96, year of high school. Only 17 years old, Zahia Ziouni becomes aware that her dream of becoming a conductor and her ambition to make symphonic music accessible to all and in all territories, will go through the creation of an orchestra unique in its diversitý and composition. Helped by her twin sister Fettouma, a cellist, and while she was about to conduct her very first concert, she created the Divertimento orchestra. The latter still exists and, at 44 years old, Zahia is now a conductor recognized worldwide.
Magnetic beats
Bretaña, Francia, años ochenta. Un grupo de amigos, hartos de la aburrida vida campestre y ávidos de experimentar emociones, crean una emisora de radio.
Quisiera que alguien me esperara en algún lugar
Aurore decide celebrar su 70º cumpleaños en su residencia de verano junto a sus 4 hijos. Uno de ellos tomará una decisión que cambiará sus vidas para siempre.
Lost and Found
Franck wants a quiet life and a fresh start. After 15 years of a failed theatre career, he finds a seemingly perfect job: museum guard. But that is before he meets Sybille, his neurotic colleague.
Johnny is an alcoholic, Johnny is fatalistic, Johnny is tormented, Johnny isn’t able to behave, Johnny is impetuous, Johnny is moody, Johnny believes in nothing, Johnny is footloose, Johnny isn’t brave. But Aurélien doesn’t care because first and foremost Johnny is radiant.
Pas de rêve pas de baise
Dos amigas adolescentes muy espabiladas están decididas a hacerse ricas o morir en el intento. Su plan es seguir los pasos de una traficante de droga famosa en el barrio.
The Man Who Knew a Lot
Mr. Beranger works at Paradesign, a furniture department store where the employees live day and night in the decorations. Himself lives in a show cottage in pasteboard and excels in the promotion of his dachshund footrest. His life seems settled well, until the day when he is promoted to the mysterious thirteenth floor of the store.
Sit, Roll Over, Play Dead
A loving husband, a mother-in-law who cares, an attractive house, a puppy and the project to have a child. Lena has everything to be happy. But at the end of one year, Lena is still not pregnant and takes refuge in the training of her dog.
L'échappée belle
Clémence Alpharo, who, in order to get a permanent contract in the company that has just hired her, must push Henri Giffard, a sales representative at the end of his career, towards early retirement. But Giffard refuses. His work is the only thing that still gives meaning to his life. Caught between the prospect of a professional future that would allow her to escape her family history and the unexpected affection she feels for the salesman, Clémence must choose. A choice that will inexorably push Clémence and Henri to the limit.