Marc Ma

Marc Ma

Nacimiento : 1979-08-19, Lanzhou, Gansu, China


Marc Ma


Xin zhi xu
Xin zhi xu
Xin zhi xu
Tomb Adventurer
After returning from the ancient city of Jingjue, Xue Li Yang found that the curse of ghost-eye erythema had afflicted her, and used a strategy to let King Hu Bayi, Fatty Wang and others go to the Longling Labyrinth to find the Dragon Bone Book, trying to lift the curse. Taking risks, encountering ancient mythical beasts, a giant catfish, the iron-headed dragon king, red-eyed wolves that feed on human bones, and fighting human-faced spiders, the road ahead is uncertain, whether they can escape…
The Door Lock
Li Youlin
A woman living alone starts to feel uneasy when she discovers traces of a stranger having been in her home. Single and beautiful Fang Hui works alone in the big city. One night, she suddenly hears someone outside the door trying to break in, violently pulling the door. A security guard notices that the floors monitor are broken. This made Fang Hui's peaceful life of living alone suddenly shrouded in the shadow of anxiety. When the night came again, sleeping Fang Hui vaguely notices that someone had entered her room... but she didn't find any signs when she wakes up.
My Son
Cao Dewang's wife passed away, leaving behind only one son, Cao Sheng. When an accident shatters their straitened but happy father-son life, Cao Dewang needs to place the minor Cao Sheng in an orphanage as soon as possible. In order to do so, Cao Dewang needs a non-biological certificate. The story behind this pair of father and son is only revealed little by little
Más allá de la onda expansiva
Poon Shing-Fung (Andy Lau) es un especialista en desactivar bombas que pierde las dos piernas en un desafortunado incidente. Tres años después, la policía sospecha que el propio Poon está vinculado a serie de ataques terroristas con bombas. Sin embargo, él es incapaz de recordar nada de lo sucedido. Por eso, decide escapar de la vigilancia policial para tratar de descubrir la verdad del asunto.
Una Unidad de Fuerzas Especiales ha organizado una serie de ejercicios de combate para seleccionar a los candidatos que van a representar a China en una competición internacional. Hasta que un día reciben una misión secreta.
Detective Chinatown
Un joven viaja hasta Bangkok, donde su tío trabaja como detective. Su afición por los relatos de misterio será de gran ayuda para lograr resolver un difícil caso.
Wild City
Leung Ho
Cuando un antiguo policía, reconvertido en dueño de bar, traba amistad con una borracha a la hora de cerrar, poco podría imaginarse que se convertirían en el objetivo del antiguo amante de ella, un poderoso abogado de Hong Kong, y de los matones que contrata.
The White Storm
Dune Kun
Tres policías son los mejores amigos: Tim, ambicioso inspector jefe de la sección de narcóticos; Chao, agente encubierto y Wai, fiel subordinado de Tim. Una nueva misión, atrapar al "señor de la droga" Eight-Faced Buddha, pondrá en peligro su vínculo fraternal. Mientras Tim está convencido de que puede dar un giro a su carrera, para Chao es su última misión decidido a abandonar Hong Kong, y para Wai su ocasión para recuperar la confianza en si mismo tras un amor fallido.
La torre del infierno
En el día más caluroso en los últimos 50 años, un grave incendio asola una gigantesca torre comercial. El cuerpo de bomberos entra rápidamente en acción, con el objetivo inquebrantable de salvar vidas.
Prof. Yip
Ziyi has been haunted by the same dream for years: In the dream, she would stand alone on a wasteland, knowing that something is buried underneath. The only one who could give her comfort is her designer friend Eric, to whom she would reveal her weird dreams. She is approached by police sergeant Madam Ou to assist in the investigation of her missing ex-husband. Meanwhile, the cop is also tracking down her kidnapped nephew, whose whereabouts remain unknown even though his mother Becky has paid the ransom. One day, Ziyi wakes up to find a trail of mud at her bedside, raising suspicion that she may have killed her ex-husband in her sleep! Ziyi leads Madam Ou to the scene in her dreams, where the horrifying truth awaits them...
Illegal Gunman
Hao Wei was a gun-maker, he made a mysterious perfect gun during the Cultural Revolution. Now he works as a film print transporter for cinemas, yet the temptation of guns drives him into the deeper crime.