Ivonne Belén

Nacimiento : 1955-01-01, Puerto Rico


La familia Figueroa: una dinastía musical
Documentary on the life and accomplishments of the members of this uniquely talented musical family. The film focuses on the Figueroa family’s history within the context of its creative universe, dating back to the 19th century. Through the use of photographs, historic film footage, recordings, sheet music, newspaper clippings, and posters, the musical trajectory of the family is brought to life and their role in transforming the musical history of Puerto Rico and the world is portrayed.
La familia Figueroa: una dinastía musical
Documentary on the life and accomplishments of the members of this uniquely talented musical family. The film focuses on the Figueroa family’s history within the context of its creative universe, dating back to the 19th century. Through the use of photographs, historic film footage, recordings, sheet music, newspaper clippings, and posters, the musical trajectory of the family is brought to life and their role in transforming the musical history of Puerto Rico and the world is portrayed.
Cinema Puerto Rico: una antropología visual
Da un vistazo a Puerto Rico y al cine puertorriqueño a través de películas, documentales y comerciales de distintas épocas, desde principios del siglo XX hasta el cine emergente del presente. En el recorrido, se identifican estrategias visuales y narrativas que retratan fragmentos de la historia general puertorriqueña y que, a su vez, responden a las preguntas de quién, cuándo, y para quién se ha hecho cine en Puerto Rico y los recursos con que se cuenta para hacerlo.
Edwin Reyes: soldado de la belleza
By means of interviews with family, friends, and colleagues, this documentary pays homage to the multi-faceted career of poet, journalist, actor & director Edwin Reyes. The film showcases his poetry as well as his artwork, and glimpses at the literary culture and political environment relative to the independence movement in Puerto Rico.
Julia, toda en mí
Executive Producer
A poetic journey about the life and work of Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos.
Julia, toda en mí
A poetic journey about the life and work of Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos.
Julia, toda en mí
A poetic journey about the life and work of Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos.
Punto final: de como Tito Mangual aprendió a bregar
Art Direction
A film aimed at depicting not only the daily goings-on in a so called "punto", but the internal conflicts among those who are often propelled into the drug world.
Jugando en serio
Script Supervisor
Varios cineastas reunidos analizan la situación del cine de su país mientras unos niños los graban.
Una pasión llamada Clara Lair
Through dramatization and interviews with her colleagues, this film captures the life and work of famed Puerto Rican poet Mercedes Negrón Muñoz (also known as Clara Lair).
Una pasión llamada Clara Lair
Through dramatization and interviews with her colleagues, this film captures the life and work of famed Puerto Rican poet Mercedes Negrón Muñoz (also known as Clara Lair).
Una pasión llamada Clara Lair
Through dramatization and interviews with her colleagues, this film captures the life and work of famed Puerto Rican poet Mercedes Negrón Muñoz (also known as Clara Lair).
Palés: reseña de una vida útil
Docudrama que presenta la figura de Palés Matos en una conversación de calle, compartiendo con sus amigos. Palés, en su memoria, recrea momentos fundamentales de su vida que lo definieron como ser humano y creador.
Desvío al paraíso
Art Direction
El Paraíso es un complejo residencial algo abandonado que necesita un portero. Un buen día llega Quinn , que desea el puesto, y pronto se ganará la confianza y la simpatía de los vecinos. Pero Quinn no tardará mucho en mostrar la persona que realmente es.
La guagua aérea
Art Direction
A comedy narrating the adventures of ten Puerto Ricans looking for a better life. The film centers on an airplane trip to New York during 1960's. It relates in a comical, yet poignant manner, the array of reasons each of the passengers has for leaving Puerto Rico and the challenges they face as suggested by the interactions of the Anglo crew and the passengers.
Adombe: la presencia africana en Puerto Rico
Art Direction
Recorrido histórico de la presencia africana en Puerto Rico. Presenta las ideas de Palés sobre la influencia negra en Las Antillas.
Rafael Hernández, jibarito del mundo
Executive Producer
Through interviews with friends, family, and colleagues, the documentary relates the life and career of Rafael Hernández, one of Puerto Rico’s most renowned and beloved composers of popular songs.
Rafael Hernández, jibarito del mundo
Art Direction
Through interviews with friends, family, and colleagues, the documentary relates the life and career of Rafael Hernández, one of Puerto Rico’s most renowned and beloved composers of popular songs.
Rafael Hernández, jibarito del mundo
Through interviews with friends, family, and colleagues, the documentary relates the life and career of Rafael Hernández, one of Puerto Rico’s most renowned and beloved composers of popular songs.
La recién nacida sangre
Art Direction
Interpretación cinematográfica del cuento del escritor Luis Rafael Sánchez que lleva el mismo título. El cuento narra la historia de un hombre arrestado por el asesinato de su esposa debido a que tuvo tres embarazos y sus hijos nacieron muertos.