Sachin Suresh Gurav


The Tashkent Files
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The Tashkent Files is a thriller that revolves around the mysterious death of India's 2nd Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri and attempts to uncover if he had actually died a natural death, or, as alleged, was assassinated.
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Based on the life of Keshav Thackeray, an Indian politician who is also known as Balasaheb Thackeray.
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La historia gira en torno a Harsh, un hombre de negocios despiadado y su familia. Y cómo van muriendo uno tras otro por alguna fuerza sobrenatural durante unas vacaciones familiares debido a algún pecado pasado cometido por Harsh.
Plus Minus
Public Relations
Two strangers. Two perspectives. A cup of tea. An overnight train journey that will change the way we look at life forever. After all, every minus is half of a plus. Isn't it?
An emotional thriller based on a road trip from Mumbai to Pune. Inspired from the real events that happened in Chennai.
Public Relations
The revered chief of a news agency tries to maintain journalistic integrity as his bureau and a rival agency vie for viewers following a terrorist attack.
Still Photographer
The revered chief of a news agency tries to maintain journalistic integrity as his bureau and a rival agency vie for viewers following a terrorist attack.
Public Relations
Vijay enjoys the good life: happily married, wealthy and a beautiful daughter. However, one summer, when his daughter brings a friend back to stay, their familial bliss is shattered.
Assistant Art Director
Vijay enjoys the good life: happily married, wealthy and a beautiful daughter. However, one summer, when his daughter brings a friend back to stay, their familial bliss is shattered.
Public Relations
Subhash Nagre runs a parallel government in the city where he has a cult following. When his enemies plot to murder him, his son takes charge and stands up against them.