Jean-Christophe Bouzy


Meanwhile on Earth
Elsa, 23, has always been very close to her older brother Franck, an astronaut who mysteriously disappeared 3 years earlier during a space mission. Elsa cannot grieve and her life is on hold. One day, she is contacted from space by an unknown life form who claims to be able to bring her brother back to Earth. But there is a price to pay…
38°5 Quai des Orfèvres
A serial killer, nicknamed Le Ver(s) Solitaire (The Lone Worm) for the alexandrines left at the crime scenes, is spreading terror. Under the orders of a commissioner, Clarisse Sterling, a rookie in the crime squad, can only rely on her instinct, 200g of chouquettes and the virtues of a well-placed pineapple to solve this investigation and save her skin.
Blazing Neon
Two desperate characters search for freedom in action-packed road movie noir from FGKO, adapted from the thriller by Rémy Lasource.
Un joven con la cara magullada es descubierto en un aeropuerto. Dice llamarse Adrien Legrand, un niño que desapareció hace 10 años. Para su padre, Vincent, esto supone el final de una larga pesadilla y lo lleva a casa. Simultáneamente, se suceden una serie de horribles asesinatos en la región.
Lola y sus hermanos
Lola (Ludivine Sagnier) tiene dos hermanos: Benoit (Jean-Paul Rouve), que se casa por tercera vez, y Pierre (José Garcia), que llega tarde a la boda… Excusas, reproches, peleas, broncas, cada uno vive su vida a su manera. Benoit va a ser padre sin estar preparado. Lola acaba de conocer a Zoher (Ramzy Bedia) mientras acaba los trámites de su divorcio. Y a Pierre se le complican sus problemas profesionales. Todo parece alejar a estos tres hermanos, aunque en realidad son inseparables.
Que Jueguen las Chicas
Reims, France, 1969. Paul Coutard is a 30-year-old sports journalist at daily newspaper Le Champenois. Charming, childish and a womanizer, he does exactly what he pleases. Then one day, his boss forces him to plan the newspaper’s annual fair together with Emmanuelle Bruno, the discreet and beautiful executive assistant. Paul has the crazy idea to organize a women’s football match for the first time. With Emmanuelle’s help, the project grows to unexpected proportions, as does their romance.
Que Jueguen las Chicas
Reims, France, 1969. Paul Coutard is a 30-year-old sports journalist at daily newspaper Le Champenois. Charming, childish and a womanizer, he does exactly what he pleases. Then one day, his boss forces him to plan the newspaper’s annual fair together with Emmanuelle Bruno, the discreet and beautiful executive assistant. Paul has the crazy idea to organize a women’s football match for the first time. With Emmanuelle’s help, the project grows to unexpected proportions, as does their romance.
Justine, una joven de 16 años, vive en una familia donde todos son veterinarios y vegetarianos. Es una estudiante brillante y prometedora, pero al ingresar en la facultad de veterinaria descubre un mundo decadente, despiadado y peligrosamente seductor. Durante la primera semana, obsesionada por encajar con sus compañeros de clase, se aleja de los principios que le han inculcado su familia, y come carne cruda por primera vez. Las consecuencias no tardan en llegar, y la joven empezará a desvelar su verdadera naturaleza.
The Wanderer
Dje has come to Paris for the weekend, no one's expecting him. He discreetly slips through the shadows, walking the streets in an attempt to remedy his boredom. A chameleon and outsider, he spends his time socializing, drinking or just wandering.
A woman recovering from an eating disorder re-encounters someone from her past.
Junior is a 13-year-old tomboy with pimples. After being diagnosed with stomach flu, Junior's body undergoes a bizarre metamorphosis.
Les rafles d'août 1942 en zone libre, un crime de l'État Français
Lirios de agua
Assistant Editor
El verano ha llegado a los suburbios de París y, como siempre los adolescentes se aburren. En esas circunstancias, se conocen Marie, Anne y Floriane, las tres de quince años. Anne y Marie entabla una tierna e ingenua amistad, pero Floriane, mucho más desarrollada físicamente, se interpondrá entre ellas, pues Marie empieza a sentirse fascinada por esa chica que tanto atrae a los chicos.