Ramón Rodríguez Granada


5 de chocolate y 1 de fresa
Art Direction
Esperanza es una monjita que se convierte en una audaz subversiva llamada Brenda después de comer por equivocación unos hongos alucinógenos. Tras irrumpir en una fiesta de la alta sociedad, Brenda y cinco jóvenes "popis" se dedican a cometer fechorías en la ciudad de México, entre ellas el asalto a un Sanborns para robarse cinco helados de chocolate y uno de fresa. Las aventuras de Brenda y sus secuaces se ven obstaculizadas por el empecinamiento del comisionado de la Agencia Internacional de Vigilancia, quien además está enamorado de la "peligrosa subversiva".
No hay cruces en el mar
Production Design
A mute fisherman helps another whose boat capsizes, he dies and leaves behind a girl whom he raises as his own daughter.
Domingo Salvaje
Production Design
Repressed middle-aged Catholic gets into a troublesome relationship with the prostitute next door and her little boy.
Los dos rivales
Production Design
Ranchera comedy -- the hero thinks his girlfriend has another suitor... but the suitor is really she herself in man-drag.
La cigüeña distraída
Production Design
Dos pares de gemelos están por error no coincidentes por sus padres, dejando a uno de cada uno para ser criados por una familia diferente. Hilaridad y la confusión siguen cuando los dos pares coincidentes caminos cruzados sin querer. Director: Emilio Gómez Muriel Escritor: Roberto Gómez Bolaños (argumento y guión) Estrellas: Marco Antonio Campos , Gaspar Henaine , Alma Delia Fuentes
Los reyes del volante
Production Design
Comedy film starring Viruta and Capulina.
Torero por un día
Production Design
El Piporro, desperate to earn more money, decides to fight and put his skills to the test in the rodeo using a nickname.
¡En peligro de muerte!
Production Design
Pilotos de la muerte
Production Design
Una pareja de empleados de gasolinera provinciana viajan hasta la capital buscando fortuna: de mecánicos de autos de carrera pasan a pilotos accidentales.
La tórtola del Ajusco
Production Design
Muchachas que trabajan
Production Design
Working in a department store exposes young ladies to corrupting influences.
La llorona
Production Design
Al ser abandonada por su marido Luisa decide vengarse lazándole una maldición por la cual todos sus herederos morirán.
¡Yo sabia demasiado!
Production Design
Una secretaria es perseguida por dos hampones, para quitarle una grabación que pone en evidencia a su jefe.
Los que no perdonan
Assistant Art Director
En 1850, los Zachary, una familia de ganaderos texanos, deciden adoptar a una niña recién nacida, pero muy pronto empiezan a circular rumores y habladurías acerca del origen indio de la chiquilla. Con el tiempo la niña se convierte en una hermosa mujer. Un buen día, un grupo de guerreros kiowas exige a los Zachary que les devuelvan a su hermana de sangre, pero la familia se niega a entregarla.
El gran premio
Production Design
Elderly home is struggling for funds; one of the residents competes on a game show to win a jackpot she can donate.
Plazos traicioneros
Production Design
A down in his luck film director falls in love with an attractive waitress and decides to launch her as a big singing star. Once the goal is reached, the girl runs away and becomes involved with a gangster who leads her into prostitution.
The Last Rebel
Art Direction
Mexican western film about Joaquin Murrieta, the Robin Hood of the West.
Zonga, el ángel diabólico
Production Design
Visiting Medical Researcher gets involved with a cult Priestess somewhere deep in the jungle.
Amor y pecado
Production Design
A dramatic encounter between passionate love and fraternal love. Two brothers fall in love with the same woman, played by the beautiful dancer Ninón Sevilla, an orphan they rescued during their childhood. Though she loves only one of them, she decides to give up her happiness rather than destroying the reason of the other she doesn't love.
Tu vida entre mis manos
Production Designer
As negro
Production Design
Two poor children swear an oath: one will study, the other will work and support them both. The worker turns to crime...
El mar y tu
Production Design
Marcial vuelve a su pueblo natal para descubrir que no todas las cosas son como eran 6 años atrás, el pescador encuentra que los amores cambian más que el sonido de las olas en cada lugar.
Amor a la vida
Production Design
Amor a la vida es una película mexicana dirigida por Miguel Contreras Torres y protagonizada por Fernando Soler, Alicia Caro, Armando Soto La Marina, Agustín Isunza, Arturo Soto Rangel.
Que idiotas son los hombres
Production Design
After divorcing her cheating husband, a newly single still and beautiful woman, (played by Actress Rosa Carmina), travels to Acapulco. She soon becomes the center of attention and spoiled for choice when she finds herself wooed by no less than four handsome suitors, three of whom are very wealthy and prominent men. Initially torn between her head and her heart, but mindful of past mistakes, Carmina's character chooses love over money and picks a humble and hard-working waiter. Directed by Juan Orol, (Carmina's soon-to-be ex-husband in real-life), this drama features the long, drawn-out scenes and shadowy film noir techniques which he became well- known for.
Serenata en Acapulco
Production Design
Tres promotores arruinados, se sienten a gusto con los dueños de un hotel y un huésped rico, todos con la intención de montar un espectáculo.
Madre querida
Production Design
Manos de seda
Production Design
Cabaret Shanghai
Art Direction
Nightclub-owner/gangster discovers that his dame and his second-in-command are cheating on him.
El desalmado
Production Design
Fictional biography of a career criminal.
Amor salvaje
Production Design
Alma deja Panamá para irse a vivir con su tía Antonia y con Manuel, su esposo. Allí conoce a Julio, que trata de enamorarla.
La ciudad perdida
Production Design
In a neighborhood a child is hidden at birth to separate him from the one who steals his parents' fortune. Growing up, he seeks revenge and discovers that the same one who stole his parents is the one who has murdered his girlfriend.
Art Designer
Narra la historia de un gángster que se mueve en los suburbios arrabaleros, donde es conocido por su audacia en robos a bancos y comercios de la ciudad de México.
Production Design
En cada puerto un amor
Production Design
El charro del arrabal
Production Design
Pancho Dominguez, apodado el charro del arrabal.
El reino de los gángsters
Production Design
Johnny Carmenta es un pistolero que encabeza una banda de gángsters. Carmenta actúa en secreto como una especie de El Zorro, ayudando a los desprotegidos.
El amor de mi bohío
Production Design
El Amor de M Bohio, which translates to "The Love of My Hut" (or shack ) and it comes from the lyrics o a popular love ballad of the same name. It is Director Juan Orol's tale of a violent love triangle where two farm hands out to prove who is the most macho, and thereby win the affections of a woman. This tragic love story takes place on a tropical plantation located just outside of Havana, where its workers are housed in small, thatched-roof "bohios". The two rival suitors are driven by passion for the girl they both love, and soon engage in a series of challenges designed to help this young woman choose the right guy in the end. These competitions start out to include simple and benign activities at first, like dancing, singing and dueling guitars, or betting on the winning bird at a cock-fight, However, they soon escalate to more violent activities, like public brawls, and saber dueling, which set life changing events into motion for everyone.
Gángsters contra charros
Production Design
El gángster Johnny Carmenta se tiene que enfrentar a Pancho Domínguez, el charro del arrabal, quien ha impuesto su ley en la ciudad. La rumbera Rosa transita del gángster al charro, encendiendo la ya de por sí enconada rivalidad entre ambos.
El moderno Barba Azul
Art Direction
Buster Keaton es confundido con un brutal asesino de mujeres y se escapa a través de un cohete que tiene por destino la Luna.
Una mujer de Oriente
Production Design
A secret agent investigates the death of the scientist who created a deadly ray only to find out his own wife is involved.
El museo del crimen
Production Design
Stage magician/amateur detective helps police to solve a murder.
Production Design
Mis hijos!
Production Design
An endless series of disasters separates a mother from her children. It takes her over twenty years to find her way back to the bosom of her family.
El ametralladora
Set Designer
En tiempos de revolución, Salvador Pérez Gómez "El Ametralladora" es perseguido por una banda de villanos quienes contratan a dos matones para deshacerse de él. Salvador se verá obligado a utilizar la violencia para luchar contra esta terrible traición y conseguir el verdadero amor.
Production Design
There's a lot of confusion about who Alejandra's parents are, and until those questions are resolved, she may not be able to get married.
Allá en el bajio
Production Design
Ranchera/western; white hats vs. black hats.
El secreto del sacerdote
Production Design
Three boys grow up to be a priest, a military commander and the town mayor.
Production Design
A 1940 film directed by Boris Maicon.
Viviré otra vez
Production Design
Card-sharks blackmail a dissolute young man into participating in a big robbery; his brother takes the rap for him.
La canción del huérfano
Production Design
A 1940 film directed by Manuel R. Ojeda,