Kevin Davis

Kevin Davis


Kevin Davis


Revueltas en Baltimore
La policía y los activistas ingleses luchan por mantener a Baltimore unida después de que Freddie Gray muere bajo la custodia policial.
Associate Producer
16th July 1969: America prepares to launch Apollo 11. Thousands of kilometers away, a ragtag group of Zambian exiles is trying to beat America to the Moon.
Two Tickets to Paradise
Three guys on the verge of forty begin to realize all the best things in their lives happened before they were twenty. A spontaneous road trip adventure gives them a chance to balance the ledger
Prophet of the Video Store (as Cuz Davis)
A man has all the answers when it comes to giving advice to friends, but when it comes to his own life, he is lost.
White Lies
Younger Man at Mimi's Opening
A museum worker pretends to be an artist in order to impress women. When an attractive assistant director of a SoHo art gallery overhears him, she offers to exhibit his work. He plays along, which leads to a series of complications following his newfound double life. He starts falling in love with the assistant director, but her art critic fiancé grows suspicious.
At the beginning of a nightly Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, Jim seems particularly troubled. His sponsor encourages him to talk that night, the first time in seven months, so he does - and leaves the meeting right after. As Jim wanders the night, searching for some solace in his old stomping grounds, bars and parks where he bought drugs, the meeting goes on, and we hear the stories of survivors and addicts - some, like Louis, who claim to have wandered in looking for choir practice, who don't call themselves alcoholic, and others, like Joseph, whose drinking almost caused the death of his child - as they talk about their lives at the meeting
Forrest Gump
Black Panther
Forrest Gump es un chico con deficiencias mentales no muy profundas y con alguna incapacidad motora que, a pesar de todo, llegará a convertirse, entre otras cosas, en un héroe durante la Guerra del Vietnam. Su persistencia y bondad le llevarán a conseguir una gran fortuna, ser objeto del clamor popular y a codearse con las más altas esferas sociales y políticas del país. Siempre sin olvidar a Jenny, su gran amor desde que era niño.
Bloodfist 3: Obligado a luchar
Jimmy Boland, un tipo solitario, es acusado del asesinato de un hombre de color. En la cárcel se ve inmerso en un mundo de violencia controlado por dos grupos racistas: blancos y negros. Los blancos quieren que se una a ellos, mientras que los otros desean matarle. Jimmy no dispone de tiempo para ninguno de los dos, debe emplear toda su inteligencia y dominio de las artes marciales para lograr sobrevivir.
Fatal Inheritance
Jack Carnegie
Jack Carnegie (Kevin Davis) is an American ‘heir-hunter’, whose job it is to trace unknown family members who should rightly inherit unassigned fortunes. He arrives in Ireland to find the sole heir to a fortune — Timothy Murphy. Murphy cannot believe his good luck and he goes out that same night, to celebrate with his fiancee, Brigid O’Toole (Emma Samms). On his way home he is attacked and murdered by a mystery assailant. Brigid is grief stricken, as is Jack — Timothy had no known heir, so he won’t able to collect his commission for delivering the inheritance to the heir.
Fatal Inheritance
Jack Carnegie (Kevin Davis) is an American ‘heir-hunter’, whose job it is to trace unknown family members who should rightly inherit unassigned fortunes. He arrives in Ireland to find the sole heir to a fortune — Timothy Murphy. Murphy cannot believe his good luck and he goes out that same night, to celebrate with his fiancee, Brigid O’Toole (Emma Samms). On his way home he is attacked and murdered by a mystery assailant. Brigid is grief stricken, as is Jack — Timothy had no known heir, so he won’t able to collect his commission for delivering the inheritance to the heir.