Noé Bach


Amore mio
Director of Photography
Today is Raphael’s funeral. His young wife Lola doesn’t know what to do with her sadness, or with her 7-year-old son’s, or with anyone’s. Her sister Margaux is here, though they have been estranged for years. On their way to the ceremony, Lola forces Margaux to flee the procession and to take them away from this sad reality. During this improvised trip, the two sisters will rediscover each other and relearn freedom. The freedom of not wanting to bury the man you love.
Director of Photography
Itto, a young woman from a modest rural background, is slowly adapting to the Moroccan privileged codes of her husband’s family. But when supernatural events put the country in a state of emergency, Itto finds herself separated from her husband and new family. Alone, pregnant and looking for her way back, she finds emancipation.
Time's Up
Director of Photography
Julie is a cycle courier. She was meant to be spending the night with her boyfriend. Tom. But she has to work instead. She’s done too few minutes to get her bonus so she has to make up the time. Julie is up against the clock, racing across Paris from one delivery for the next.
The Voiceless
A small clan lives in the underworld of a rubbish dump. They recycle the waste they find or steal, in order to cobble their home together. Life there could be so sweet, were it not for a chief inspector hot on their heels.
Her Way
Director of Photography
Marie, an independent sex worker and activist, dreams of a bright future for her son. She decides to enroll him in one of the best cooking schools in France.
Los amores de Anaïs
Director of Photography
Anaïs tiene treinta años, pero no tiene mucho dinero. Tiene un novio al que cree que ya no ama. Anaïs conoce a Daniel, quien inmediatamente se enamora de ella. Pero Daniel vive con Émilie... que también se interesa por Anaïs.
Director of Photography
Junto con su prometido, Constanza quiere hacerse cargo del negocio de su padre, granjero, y salvarlo de la bancarrota. Para ello necesitan crecer, invertir e imponerse a los grandes agricultores que tienen tierra y poder. Constanza recibe el apoyo de uno de ellos, influyente y carismático, dejando su futuro en sus manos. Cuando este impone su deseo en medio de las negociaciones, Constanza tiene que hacer frente a una nueva violencia.
The Time of a Night
Nora disappeared for several months. One summer evening, she strangely reappears at a party with a certain Samuel. Camille, her best friend, comes to find her, wondering what way to behave. The night goes on, a trio forms and time stands still.
Camera Operator
Samuel and Agnes are blocked in an elevator just after Agnes has stolen Samuel's bag. In this enclosed space with no exit, the attacker and victim confront each other, before finally letting their masks drop.
Director of Photography
Samuel and Agnes are blocked in an elevator just after Agnes has stolen Samuel's bag. In this enclosed space with no exit, the attacker and victim confront each other, before finally letting their masks drop.
Just Kids
Director of Photography
Jack, de 19 años, Lisa de 17 y Mathis de 10, pierden repentinamente a sus padres. Frente a este drama familiar, cada uno va a reaccionar de manera distinta. Lisa se aleja y a Jack, el único adulto, se le concede la custodia de Mathis. Empieza una nueva vida. Pero ¿cómo se puede cuidar de un niño, siendo todavía un adolescente? ¿Y cómo se construye el futuro, si el pasado es una obsesión permanente? La fuerza y energía de la juventud pueden hacer milagros…
Isadora's Children
Director of Photography
Tras la muerte de sus dos hijos, Isadora Duncan creó la Madre en solitario en la que una madre acuna a su hijo en un momento de extrema ternura y luego lo deja ir. Un siglo después, cuatro mujeres se encuentran con este baile desgarrador.
Tuesday From 8 to 6
Director of Photography
Névine, a secondary school monitor, is fully committed to her somewhat thankless day job, dealing with teachers, administration and students. Logan, a pupil she is found of insists on getting a cap back from lost and found. She has no idea of the consequences of her gesture.
Raging Royan
Director of Photography
"Royan la Rage" is the crossed portrait of a family facing his visceral need to desire. André, the father, has no more wishes. To feel free to be and to desire, he has to get rid of his money. Miss Canine, a financial domineering, snatched him from his daily hypocrisy. Doubts about his double life gradually contaminate his wife and his daughter. The newfound lucidity at a price. Behind the utopian world of the seaside resorts, it spreads like a virus and makes appearances disappear.
La Merde
Director of Photography
Pauline Enslaved
Director of Photography
Pauline has no news from Bruce, the married man whom she has an affair with. During her break in the countryside with her friend Violette, she will spend the whole stay waiting for…a text message. Experimenting the thousand stages of obsessive love.
Bienvenida a Montparnasse
Paula vuelve a París pero no tiene dinero y se encuentra todas las puertas cerradas. En lugar de ponerse nostálgica, se sumerge en la vida parisina.
Deaf Hearts
Director of Photography
Baptiste, Mathilde, Jørgen, Yulya and Jeanne, five teenagers armed with desire and words, fight their loneliness in a world abandoned by adults.
A restless daughter meets a spirit-fish who gives her pure water. But as her family devours the delicious water, they begin to suspect more than the origin of its taste.
Director of Photography
A family, who celebrates the mother's birthday, tries to pick up the pieces.
The Red, White and Blue of My Hair
Director of Photography
Seyna, a young Cameroonian woman fascinated by French history, dreams of gaining citizenship of the country she so loves as soon as she reaches 18. Will it be just a formality, or a much tougher path?
Première nuit
Director of Photography
A few years after their last stay, Manon, a Parisian teenager, and her parents, Christian and Jeanne, go back down to their village of origin to spend the holidays there. Manon finds Éva and Léonie, Christian finds a bar and his old friends.
After School
Director of Photography
A boarding school student, Gerald, is a shy and asthmatic teenager. One night, he decides to follow his roommate Theo and his gang to try the game they secretly play at night…
Director of Photography
Jacques is broke and the owner of the bar where he spends most of his time kicked him out.