Brother Dave
A girl comes to terms with her mentally challenged parents.
Trepidante drama de acción ambientado en el peligroso y emocionante mundo de las carreras de coches. El genial pero impetuoso principiante Jimmy Bly pierde posiciones en el ránking al no poder soportar la presión a la que lo somete su ambicioso hermano y promotor. Pero hay otro asunto que le impide concentrarse: quiere conquistar a Sophia, la novia de su máximo rival. Así las cosas, el dueño de la escudería pide ayuda a Joe Tanto, una estrella del automovilismo cuya espléndida carrera se vio truncada por un trágico accidente. Pero para conseguir que Bly llegue a la cima, Joe tendrá que resolver antes no pocos problemas personales. (FILMAFFINITY)
Court Clerk
In the aftermath of the terrible Civil War which has devastated the South, Amanda America Dixon returns home to find she has become the sole heir to a vast cotton plantation. But the dreadful secret which has blighted her life threatens to deprive her of the birthright which her beloved father David had struggled for so long to create. Raised by her father and grandmother to be the perfect white Southern Belle, Amanda's true mother was a black slave Julia. Confronted with the forces of greed and bigotry, Amanda has to face not only the hatred of a racist world, but the complex truth of a family whose lives have been built on a lie.