Sang Ping

Sang Ping


Sang Ping


Mozart from Space
Ma Yuan's father
A 14-year-old junior high school boy who likes astronomy was forced to practice the piano by his single father. Suddenly an alien appeared in the boy's bedroom, which completely changed the lives of the boy and his father.
Golden Spider City
Muscular Man
La historia sigue a Sima Cong, quien es chantajeada por un rico hombre de negocios tailandés, el Maestro Xiang, para ir 10.000 metros por debajo de la montaña Caveman para averiguar el paradero de Golden Spider City.
Invisible Tattoo
Lan Long
1935. A large industrial city in southwestern China where most of the inhabitants work in the salt industry. Power in the city is divided between two gangs. When a war breaks out between factions, the tattoo artist is forced to take on a dirty business
Bath Buddy
Han Hunha
It's about a second generation rich boy whom loses his memory, and ends up in a bath parlor/spa and eventually learns the skills on how to give the best bath to customers.
Billion Coward
Wang Yiwan did not live up to his father's expectations, he was inactive and timid. After receiving an invitation from his first love girlfriend Lu Xiaoquan, he was going to go to to Thailand. When Wang withdrew the money, he encountered a small circle who lost his bank card. On the eve of the wedding, the two men were trapped in the silver by a gang of elder brothers at gunpoint, trapped in a wave of real and fake robbers.
Shaolin Conquering Demons
Qi Tianba
In order to stop the demon Rakshasa from descending into the world and overturning it into an icy purgatory, Huihai, a disciple of Shaolin Temple, embarks on a journey to find the hero who will subdue the dragon. The childhood sweetheart Shangguan Lingsu is always there to protect and help Hui Hai to break the demons and learn the spirit of Shaolin to restore peace and vitality to the world.
Ah Fu
Una Unidad de Fuerzas Especiales ha organizado una serie de ejercicios de combate para seleccionar a los candidatos que van a representar a China en una competición internacional. Hasta que un día reciben una misión secreta.
A Journey To The Seaside
Lao Ma
Coward Hero
Collector Boss
A terminally ill gangster becomes a police insider to cash in on the life insurance but ends up a department hero in this Chinese action comedy.
Push and Shove
Lao Zhao
Yu Feng and Liang Liang's puppy gets gravely injured while defending them from the neighbour's large and aggressive Tibetan Mastiff. The arrogant owner of the Tibetan Mastiff, however, refuses to take responsibility, and the police aren't of much help since no people were hurt. When push comes to shove, Yu Feng vows to fight for justice for his puppy.
Southern Sky Gate Guard B
Gods come to Earth to prevent its destruction.
Wild War
Detective Chinatown 2
The Housekeeper
Cuando el caso del hijo desaparecido de un mafioso de Chinatown se convierte en una investigación de asesinato, el dúo de detectives formado por Tang y Qin intentará dar caza al asesino, esta vez con ayuda internacional.
A Better Tomorrow
Brother Wei
Kai y Chao son dos hermanos en los extremos opuestos de la ley: el primero es contrabandista, mientras que el segundo se está labrando una prometedora carrera en el cuerpo de policía. Tras un trágico suceso, los lazos de sangre que los mantenían unidos pese a todo se rompen definitivamente. Una vibrante revisión de la obra maestra de John Woo, con la que Ding Sheng traslada a la China continental la gloria y las balas de la acción made in Hong Kong.
In The Fog
Liu Shanpao
Liu Kaixiang on New Year's Eve. The widow Zhang Caixia (Yuan Jia Min) and her mother-in-law, Li Yuemei mysteriously disappeared. After the report & police investigation, the village quarry director Liu Dongmin (Chen Baoyuan), unemployed Liu Fang (Bardo), quarry blasting hand Liu Shannon (San Ping) are suspects, but all three have pleaded innocence.. At this point the key is to find Zhang Caixia and Li Yuemei. A series of seemingly true and false, confusing evidence before the crowd, which is the real evidence?
The Robbery 2
Te Hu
Once Upon a Time in the Northeast
Once Upon a Time in the Northeast tells a story of a few young Northeast youth with totally different personalities, who fell into trap of a few Hong Kong villains. They outwitted Hong Kong villains using different plans. This comedy story is extremely funny and reflected how popular Northeast China Culture is.
Los tigres del tren
Un ferroviario en la China de 1941 lucha contra los japoneses para lograr comida para los pobres. Pronto se embarcarán en una misión suicida para volar un puente.
Detective Chinatown
Jin Gang / "King Kong"
Un joven viaja hasta Bangkok, donde su tío trabaja como detective. Su afición por los relatos de misterio será de gran ayuda para lograr resolver un difícil caso.
Rescatando a Mr. Wu
Fat Kidnapper
En este thriller de suspense, el Sr. Wu, una estrella de cine de Hong Kong, es secuestrado por seis delincuentes impredecibles disfrazados de policías. La historia se basa en el caso real de secuestro de una celebridad en 2004 transcurrido en China.
Suddenly Seventeen
The Butcher
When Liang Xia's obsession for a perfect wedding puts a strain in the relationship with her fiancé, he ultimately calls it quits and breaks up with her. In a heartbroken state, Liang Xia carelessly ingests a magical item, which transports the 28-year-old’s mind back to when she was only seventeen years old.
The Lost Bladesman
Durante el periodo de los Tres Reinos combatientes la antigua China se encuentra en crisis. Para unificar el país, el general Cao Cao (Jiang Wen), el verdadero gobernante tras el Emperador, intenta reclutar al más grande guerrero del país, Guan Yun Chang (Donnie Yen). Sin embargo, Guan Yun Chang es un leal aliado del enemigo de Cao Cao, Liu Bei. Para convencer al poderoso guerrero de luchar a su lado, Cao Cao toma como rehén a su amada, Qi Lan (Betty Sun). Tras llevar a las fuerzas de Cao Cao a la victoria, Guan Yun Chang emprende un viaje junto a Qi Lan para reencontrarse con Liu Bei. Pero Cao Cao le considera una amenaza demasiado grande para vivir y mandará a todas las fuerzas del Emperador para acabar con él.
The Legend of Foguang Temple
Ma Cong