Julia Silverman

Julia Silverman


Julia Silverman is a film and television actress.


Julia Silverman


Frank and Ava
Dolly Sinatra
Frank & Ava joins the wild ride of the tempestuous relationship between icons, Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner showing their multi-year love affair and subsequent marriage. In 1949, a downcast Frank, his career on the wane because of a faltering voice, a failing marriage, and a tarnished off-screen reputation falls in love with rising star, Ava, by consensus, the most beautiful woman in Hollywood. While their love was incandescent, they were hapless as a couple; often pursued by reporters such as Hedda Hopper who played them off against each other in the tabloids; casting Frank as an adulterer and Ava as a home wrecker while Frank!s wife, Nancy Barbato, refused to grant him a divorce. Once married in 1951 the tabloids then paraded their sorted affairs whenever their careers separated them. (Often it was Ava who went off to Europe or Africa to make a movie, leaving Frank behind). In the meantime, Frank, career hanging by a thread, is desperately trying to land the acting job that he ...
Café owner Peter, leaves his disgruntled manager Henry, to take care of business, and he instead hires a crew of misfits. Peter returns to an unrecognizable business but soon learns the value of camaraderie with the new team.
Dawn Of Man
The Mother
When a phone call wakes up a man from his sleep, he will have to deal with a situation none of us ever imagines will happen to us.
Nurse Julia
When a miner's daughter is assaulted in the local coal mine, she utters only one word, leaving the town's sheriff baffled. The event quickly spirals out of control, impacting the entire town.
American Pastoral (Pastoral americana)
Sylvia Levov
Seymour Lvov, “el Sueco”, es un exitoso hombre de negocios con una vida perfecta que ve como su estabilidad familiar peligra por la turbulenta situación política estadounidense de la década de los 60. La tormenta se desata cuando su hija Merry desaparece tras ser acusada de cometer un acto violento. Lvov se dedicará a buscarla y a reunir a su familia. Lo que descubre remueve sus cimientos, forzándole a mirar más allá de la superficie y afrontar el caos que está forjando el mundo a su alrededor: ninguna familia americana volverá a ser la misma.
Casting Assistant
Drama chronicling the tragic mental and spiritual collapse of a Hollywood videographer.
God's Army 2: States of Grace
Un tiroteo en California cambia la vida de cinco personas para siempre. Estados de Gracia cuenta la historia de un predicador callejero sin hogar, Louis, un pandillero, Carl, una aspirante a actriz, Holly, y dos jóvenes misioneros, Lozano y Farrell, en lo que los críticos han aclamado como una de las mejores películas del año y una de las mejores películas de temática cristiana que jamás se ha hecho.
Desvío al infierno
Goiter Freak
De camino hacia una salvaje fiesta en el desierto, siete adolescentes deciden desviarse de su camino para ir a encontrar un campo de peyote, la droga alucinógena, que se supone que está por esas latitudes. Lo que no saben es que al desviarse se adentran en una inhóspita tierra habitada por caníbales. Los jóvenes deberán luchar por su supervivencia mientras viven una de sus peores pesadillas.
Have you ever eavesdropped on a couple having a fight? Then maybe followed them for a few blocks and wanted to cheer up the loser? As Nikki finds out in this short for Cartoon Network, this is not a great idea.
Black Ghost
Staff Member
Jack Moony es un policía que siente una especial adminadversión hacia las personas de color, debido a que Stone, un atractivo y adinerado abogado negro le quitó a su novia. Un día sufre un infarto y le trasplantan el corazón de un hombre que acaba de morir en un accidente de tráfico. El azar hace que el donante sea Stone.
Armas de mujer
Petty Marsh Secretary
Tess, una inteligente secretaria de origen humilde, descubre que ha sido traicionada por su jefa. Es entonces cuando decide suplantarla durante una baja por enfermedad.