Li Jingjing

Li Jingjing

Nacimiento : 1970-09-10, Tongliao,Neimenggu,China


Li Jingjing


Push and Shove
Yu Feng and Liang Liang's puppy gets gravely injured while defending them from the neighbour's large and aggressive Tibetan Mastiff. The arrogant owner of the Tibetan Mastiff, however, refuses to take responsibility, and the police aren't of much help since no people were hurt. When push comes to shove, Yu Feng vows to fight for justice for his puppy.
Hasta siempre, hijo mío
Gao Meiyu
Yaoyun y Liyun son un matrimonio que creen haberlo perdido todo. Su hijo murió tras ahogarse de forma trágica. Años más tarde, la pareja decidió adoptar a Liu Xing, un joven que, sin embargo, no ha conseguido reconfortarles de la forma que esperaban. Por si esto fuera poco, Xing decide desaparecer y alejarse de los que, para él, son unos "padres extranjeros". El desolado matrimonio se pierde en sus recuerdos mientras espera una única cosa en sus vidas: hacerse lo suficientemente viejos como para dejar que el dolor sea algo del pasado.
Miss Puff
Puff, grew up as a child spoilt by her parents. During the party celebrating her return from overseas studies, she had a romantic encounter with a young university student, it was love at first sight.
Battle of the Asylums
Wang Xiaoyao
Inflatable Girlfriend
Ning Ning
With the development of science and technology, the learning intelligent emotional robot Doudou came out. Yang Dong, a famous and successful person in the Northeast, who was known as a young Buddha in the northeast when he was young, took care of his fiancee Ning Ning, who had become a vegetative due to an accident, for five years. Yang Dong, whose life is set in stone, meets the robot Doudou. One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and Yang Dong's life ushered in variables due to the appearance of Doudou.
Monster Hunt
Mama Li
El hijo de la realeza del clan de los monstruos es amenazado por los cazadores de criaturas que impiden que se mezclen con los humanos. El hijo de un famoso espadachín, pero poco dotado para el heroísmo, terminará siendo el encargado de proteger al heredero del trono, enfrentándose a monstruos malignos, cazamonstruos y otros enemigos.
Old Well
A married village worker teams up with an old girlfriend to try to dig a well for his water-starved village. The well collapses and they are trapped. Their enforced confinement leads to them exploring their feelings for each other and those around them.