Mitchell Anderson

Mitchell Anderson

Nacimiento : 1961-08-21, Jamestown, New York, USA


Mitchell Ogren Anderson is an American character actor and chef. Anderson was born in Jamestown, New York, to a retail store owner mother and a businessman father. He attended Jamestown High School and Williams College before going on to attend Juilliard School.


Mitchell Anderson


The Last Place on Earth
While traveling to Las Vegas, a young businessman meets a woman who changes his life forever. With Tisha Campbell-Martin, Dana Ashbrook and Mitchell Anderson.
Mujer contra mujer
Tres historias de amor lésbico tienen lugar en la misma casa, pero en épocas diferentes (1961, 1972 y 2000). La primera muestra una relación entre dos mujeres maduras, que es rechazada por sus familiares, y la situación de indefensión legal en que queda una de ellas cuando muere la otra. En la segunda, una chica tiene problemas con sus amigas, todas ellas lesbianas y feministas, por el hecho de haberse enamorado de una mujer muy masculina. El tercer relato aborda el debate de dos mujeres sobre la concepción de un hijo.
Tú tranqui... ¡es sólo sexo!
Vincey Sauris
Comedia que gira alrededor de las relaciones sexuales y románticas de un grupo de amigos de Los Ángeles: Vincey es un dramaturgo gay que busca un novio desesperadamente. Sus amigos más cercanos no le ayudan en exceso, ya que se encuentran demasiado ocupados con sus propios problemas: Tara quiere quedarse embarazada, pero su novio Gus desea disfrutar de la vida; Sarina y Megan son una pareja de lesbianas que acaban de romper. En el transcurso de una fiesta van a desencadenarse una serie de líos y sorpresas.
The Midwife's Tale
Sir Giles
A young girl, the daughter of a lesbian couple, lies peacefully abed listening to one of her mothers reading her a bedtime story. The off-beat tale she hears is set in medieval times and chronicles the exploits of poor Lady Eleanor, an independent, free-spirited young aristocrat who would much rather spend her time riding and being outdoors than staying cloistered inside tending to needlework. Still she is a dutiful daughter and reluctantly abides by her late father's wish that she marry Lord William. William knows that he is not her dream lover, but he is patient and eventually she gets pregnant. Eleanor is terrified, for her mother lost her life and the life of her baby giving birth. Not wanting to suffer the same fate, she sneakily tries to engage the local midwife to come and abort the fetus. Unfortunately, the midwife has been accused of sorcery by the local priests and has been sentenced to die. Fortunately, young Gwenyth, a new midwife shows up.
Is There Life Out There?
Lily Marshall has a loving, supportive husband, two great kids and an unfulfilled dream: to return to college and get the degree she always wanted. "Is there life beyond her family and home?", Lily wonders. The hole in Lily's life is soon filled by too much. There's a confusing new social life on campus, schoolwork keeping her up late, a part-time job keeping her from her husband and kids whose mom is turning into a stranger. Lily's strength, love and perseverance are the only things that can help her now.
Presunto homicida
Doug Sawyer
Un estudiante es acusado de un crimen que no cometió y un detective de homicidios le otorga 24 horas para que encuentre al verdadero culpable.
El regreso de Tom Sawyer y Huckleberry Finn a Hannibal
Huckleberry Finn
This is yet another telling of the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn as the two try to clear their friend Jim of murder charges.
The Karen Carpenter Story
Richard Carpenter
Story of the meteoric rise and sudden fall of Karen Carpenter, who became a famous singer before battling anorexia and bulimia. This made-for-TV movie is the authorized version of the life of Karen Carpenter and was made with the approval of Richard Carpenter and the Carpenter family.
It's Cool To Care
A Christmas party rages while a store clerk sits alone. The party takes it upon themselves to spread some holiday cheer. Produced by Young Artists United.
Goodbye, Miss 4th of July
Henderson Kerr
The inspiring true-life drama of 17-year-old Niki Janus. After fleeing persecution in Greece, Niki and her family immigrate to West Virginia and begin living the American Dream. Among their friends is Big John Creed, a wise and helpful handyman. But Niki's friendship with him and her belief in freedom unwittingly bring the wrath of the Ku Klux Klan to her very doorstep. Full of courage and passion, Niki challenges the powerful Klan and, at the same time, must overcome her own fears to help the townspeople survive a horrible flu epidemic.
Delirio criminal
Alex Torme
La familia Torme va de día de campo a un apartado lugar, sin imaginar que son el blanco de un cazador demente, que los asesina a todos menos a un chico llamado Alex.Años después, éste se ve atormentado por una visión de un hombre vestido de cazador. La visión se torna cada vez más real, hasta que Alex está convencido de que un asesino lo acecha. Cuando empiezan a ocurrir extrañas muertes, comienza a temer por su salud mental.
Dos Extraños Conocidos
Carol and Neil are are successful in terms of grades, but not very popular at their highschool. When Carol comes to know that two foreign exchange students from France and Italy were redirected to another school, she figures she and Neil could take their places and be in the middle of public interest for one semester.
Tiburón 4: La Venganza
Sean Brody
Ellen Brody aún vive en el pueblecito isleño de Amity, pero sus hijos Sean y Michael ya no trabajan en el Sea World y hace tiempo que su marido Martin falleció de un ataque al corazón debido a su miedo a los escualos. Sean es ahora policía del pueblo. Una noche de Navidad tiene que acudir a una llamada para desenredar un tronco de una boya y es devorado por un gran tiburón blanco. Su madre piensa que fue una venganza personal contra su familia, por lo que su hijo Michael decide llevársela con su mujer y su hija lejos de Amity.
Intimate Encounters
It started as fantasy...and ended as intimate encounters.
S.O.S.: Equipo Azul
Llegan nuevos alumnos a un campo de aprendizaje para astronautas de la NASA durante las vacaciones de verano. Pronto se perfila el auto-denominado “Equipo azul”, que componen tres chicos y dos chicas capitaneados por Andie, una instructora que desea que se le asigne una misión real en lugar de dedicarse a la enseñanza. Durante una práctica en la lanzadera y debido a un fallo técnico, el equipo despega por error al espacio exterior.