Victoria Williams


La máscara de cristal
Helena es una chica que trabaja en el circo de su familia pero que sueña, aunque parezca extraño, con abandonarlo y llevar una vida normal. Pero, en lugar de ello, de repente, aparece sumida en un extraño viaje por las Tierras Oscuras, un paisaje fantástico habitado por gigantes, pájaros mono y peligrosas esfinges. Helena deberá encontrar la Máscara de Cristal, un objeto cuyo enorme poder es su única esperanza para escapar de las Tierras Oscuras, despertar a la Reina de la Luz y volver a casa.
Ni en tu casa, ni en la mía
Lady Homeowner 2
At the suggestion of a straight friend, gay man Leo joins a men’s group, where he causes some upsets by declaring his attraction to one of its members.
Harpur and Iles: Protection
Megan Harpur
Underworld boss Bernie 'Tenderness' Mellick is certainly paying a heavy price for maiming Ivor Wright in a firebombing. For Wright's men have now kidnapped his eleven-year-old son Graham. Senior Detective Chief Superintendent Colin Harpur and his brilliant, amoral superior ACC Desmond Iles must rescue the boy from the kidnappers before Tenderness takes his revenge in this adaptation of Bill James' novel Protection.
Knockback: 1
Woman in Minibus
In 1965, at the age of 25, Alan Ackland is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a business associate. In 1971, Sylvia Barker, lonely and depressed after a failed marriage and with two young children to bring up alone, seeks a new direction in her life and applies to become a voluntary prison visitor. Several years later their paths cross.
Girl at Kiosk
When his young daughter disappears, her father refuses to accept that she is dead and sets out on a journey to find her.
It Could Happen to You
Jenny Peterson
An educational film about the perils associated with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The drama is interspersed with scenes of a medical adviser directly addressing the camera giving advice and information about STDs.