Luis Camardella


Vicenta es pobre, analfabeta y vive en una humilde casita en las afueras de Buenos Aires. Su hija menor, Laura, que sufre retraso madurativo severo, está embarazada producto de un abuso sexual. Al enterarse, Vicenta solicita a los médicos que le practiquen a su hija una interrupción legal del embarazo, pero una jueza, muy cristiana ella, prohíbe el aborto a pesar de estar autorizado por Ley para estos casos. Vicenta inicia entonces una lucha contra viento y marea en pos que los derechos de su hija sean respetados.
Salud rural
Documental que cuenta la historia del m...
Elsa y su ballet
It is February when the almost 60 women that make up the 40/90 Ballet get together to start working. 8 months of hard rehearsals await you. The group is made up of housewives, employees, psychologists, teachers, merchants. There are married, single, widowed and divorced. The youngest is 47 years old, the oldest 81, and except for one, none of them has ever danced professionally. With 87 years in tow, Elsa, the director of the Ballet, arrives. This great and hyperactive woman with white hair and a cane is responsible for thinking the choreographies, adapting the music, designing the costumes and lighting among many other things.
In debt and bankrupt, the “Grissinopoli” breadsticks factory is abandoned by its owners. However, its 16 workers decide to occupy, live and resist in their jobs so that it does not disappear. By forming a private worker cooperative they try to keep the company running by their own means, but this desperate and utopian way out of growing unemployment is not easy.