Marcela Turjanski


La Llamada
Sound Designer
Aurora, a divorced woman, receives a call from her 14 year old son's principal to let her know that he is being expelled on the last day of class. In an attempt to reach her son, she fights to fulfill her duties as a publicist, daughter, sister, and single mother. Meanwhile, her son deals with the insecurities of growing up. A chaotic city and an outdated education system trap mother and son in an increasingly impersonal world.
Hamaca paraguaya
Dialogue Editor
Set in 1935, a couple of aged smallholders are waiting for their son, for rain, for better days.
El fondo del mar
Sound Editor
Toledo (Daniel Hendler), 26 años, futuro arquitecto, sufre de celos agudos. Vive obsesionado con los movimientos y actividades de su novia. Un día llega a casa y descubre que su peor pesadilla se ha hecho realidad: hay otro hombre. Superado el golpe, inicia una particular persecución nocturna de descubrimiento de personalidades: la del misterioso enemigo y, trágicamente, la suya propia.