Mackinlee Waddell


Auxiliary Man
Un criminal inepto con mal crédito finalmente tiene la oportunidad de probarse a sí mismo, pero nada sale según lo planeado.
A cam girl and her blender salesman brother navigate life in the San Fernando Valley.
Farmer of the Year
When Hap Anderson, a widowed 83-year-old Minnesota farmer that thinks he's still quite the ladies' man, sells his family farm, he finds himself adrift and staring a short future in the face. Driven by the possibility of showing up with an old flame and impressing his old army buddies, he sets out to attend his 65th WWII reunion in California with his directionless and unreasonably self-confident granddaughter, Ashley. Each with their own issues and agendas, they head west in a dilapidated Winnebago. Encountering oddball tourist attractions and eccentric characters, they find themselves in seemingly impossible situations with only each other for support. As the journey progresses so does their relationship and they begin to understand and appreciate each other as individuals while discovering that being young and being old, aren't all that different.
Den of Darkness
Tras mudarse con su marido a una nueva casa para superar el accidente que la dejó ciega, una Den Mother es perseguida por la culpa de la muerte de una niña exploradora hasta que la pareja encuentra a una chica que vive escondida en su casa, revelando impensables oscuros secretos.
Searching for Sonny
Maggie Phillips
Reunited friends find themselves the chief suspects of a murder mystery that seems eerily similar to a play they performed in high school.