Diego Falconi


Director of Photography
Kay suddenly wakes up in a dark place. He is dying of thirst . He searches for water through an old house which seems to have no exit. Someone has placed him in this world of puzzles that can not be solved and, apparently, he is not alone.
Director of Photography
El documental es un viaje personal en busca de dos abuelos: Remo, un médico autodidacta ecuatoriano que quiere descubrir la inmortalidad y Juan, militante comunista asesinado durante la dictadura chilena. El viaje de una nieta que crece entre el exilio y un universo mágico. Son dos historias, una cercana y otra enterrada. Sueños que se reflejan en dos paisajes: uno de montañas frondosas; el otro, árido y desolado.
Prometeo Deportado
Director of Photography
In an unknown first world airport the arrival of an ecuadorian flight is heard. The 'members of the European Union' passby migration, while the 'others', in the other line, wait. In the middle of the claims, a group of ecuadorians is arrested. They are taken to the Room, where they wait to be deported. Seems like everyone hides something, like PROMETEO the youn magician with his hands tied like a delinquent who has a 'magical' trunk as luggage. Time passes, a way of being, Ecuador happens in this waiting room. Seems like there is no possible exit. Meanwhile, a different but well-known way of life takes place. The only thing left as a promising way out is illusion.
Sé que vienen a matarme
Director of Photography
The life and work of Gabriel García Moreno, one of the most controversial presidents in the political life of Ecuador. For some he is a saint but for others he is a devil.
Ecuador vs. el resto del mundo
November 7th, 2001. After a seventy years absence, the Ecuadorian national soccer team is close to qualifying for the first time to a Soccer World Cup. This documentary follows the events that took place during that historic date, when a whole country lived under the shadow of a soccer game.
Cara o cruz
Director of Photography
Después de vivir durante veinticinco años en Nueva York, sin contacto alguno con su país ni con su familia, Virginia decide regresar a su Quito natal. Piensa reunirse allí con Manuela, su hermana melliza, y con su padre, que enviudó hace tiempo. Fue él, precisamente, quien, cuando Virginia tenía ocho años de edad, la envió a los Estados Unidos. Cuando se producen todos estos reencuentros, surgen las diferencias de criterio acerca de las maneras de vivir, la orfandad, el desamparo y la fugacidad del amor. (FILMAFFINITY)