Rolf Becker

Rolf Becker

Nacimiento : 1935-03-31, Leipzig, Germany


Rolf Becker


Zeit der Verleumder
Rolf Becker
Mission: Love
Hans calls his girlfriend Heinz, which tells you everything you need to know about their relationship. They're a typical couple who're stuck in a rut after eight years. Hans works at a copy shop and Heinz is an actress relegated to voicing a cartoon stoplight. On their anniversary, they go to the movies. It's a romance. But the spark on screen just doesn't strike them. When Hans gives Heinz's ex her phone number instead of putting up a fight over her, Heinz' alarm bells go off: How can this be love? They decided to make a list of everything than makes up a real love: Romance, desire, passion, jealousy, drama – deep feelings, in other words. Hans and Heinz methodically start checking off their list and realize: Real life is nothing like the movies.
Una Navidad Perfecta
Dave Summers
Alicia quiere irse de vacaciones de Navidad con su novio pero las anula para defender a Will, el tutor del niño cuyo patrimonio ella gestiona, que ha sido detenido.
Mr. Kaplan
Julius Reich, The German
El filme nos cuenta la historia de Jacobo Kaplan, un veterano judío que tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial huyó a Sudamérica. Descontento con su nuevo rabino, su comunidad, su familia y en general su vida, y temeroso de morir y no ser recordado, Jacobo, de casi 80 años, decide, con la ayuda de un policía retirado llamado Wilson Contreras, dar un giro a su vida. Se embarcará en una aventura singular: capturar a un viejo alemán propietario de un restaurante, del cual está convencido de que es un antiguo oficial nazi. Su objetivo es secuestrarlo y llevarlo a Israel. De este modo, recuperará el orgullo, la dignidad, y el prestigio de toda su comunidad, dando lugar a una historia repleta de momentos y personajes curiosos. Una historia en la que Jacobo quiere ser recordado para siempre...
Años de regalo
Gerald Dawson
Nel Innes acaba de vencer un cáncer y regresa por fin al restaurante que gestiona con su marido Marc, pero descubre que él la engaña con una empleada, Melissa. Dolida y perdida, hace las maletas y se refugia en los viñedos de su padre Gerald. Sin embargo, él planea vender el escenario de su infancia a Jake Carlyle, un empresario vinícola demasiado encantandor para que ella pueda enfrentarse debidamente a él.
A tu lado
Dave Summers
Una abogada que acaba de salir del hospital después de un terrible accidente, deberá enfrentarse a un caso profesional difícil: el padrino de un niño millonario huérfano reclama su custodia, con la dura oposición de la tía del chico.
Eine verhängnisvolle Nacht
Hannahs Vater
Hannah, mother of two children, is a teacher at a Hamburg high school. She falls in love with her new colleague Bernd Vossler - not knowing what the consequences are. Hannah enjoys being in love with her new boyfriend, but sometimes she is amazed at his behavior. If Bernd does not succeed in something or he is under pressure, he loses his composure and his hand sometimes slips. On a fateful night, Bernd crosses all boundaries.
Cuando mi mujer era mi jefa
Möller sen.
Hanna y su marido Martin, trabajan en un astillero de Hamburgo. A Hanna le ofrecen ser Directora General Adjunta y emocionada decide aceptar.
Max is on the road with his pregnant girlfriend Lina. He suddenly gets a call from his grandfather who wants to meet him shortly before he will be taken away.
Salto a la felicidad
George Foster
El padre de Kay, propietario de una importante cuadra de caballos le pide ayuda a su hija, veterinaria, para curar a sus caballos de una grave epidemia. Por ese motivo, Kay regresa a su hogar donde su madrastra, muy antipática, no está dispuesta a darle a Kay el lugar que le corresponde. Además, su hermanastra está casada con el que fue su novio, e intuye que la llegada de Kay podría ser una amenaza para su matrimonio.
Un faro con vistas
Josh Hasley
Robert Hunter llega hasta un faro con la intención de derribarlo. Pero Ana, la encargada de la conservación de la zona, hará lo imposible para evitarlo. Lo que ninguno de los dos sabe es que el farero es el padre biológico de Robert, que dio a su hijo en adopción hace 30 años al morir la madre.
Un amor en la alta montaña
Abel Frazer
Jenny llega al pueblo para cerrar la fábrica de los Dalmain, un negocio familiar que ya no genera beneficios. Durante su estancia en el lugar, acabará enamorándose de Philipp, su propietario.
Leo und Marie – Eine Weihnachtsliebe
Eine Robbe und das große Glück
Dr. Doc Knut Hansen
Liebling, wir haben geerbt
Professor Jessen
Hannah hero finds out that her husband Martin is cheating on her. Angered, she announces that she wants a divorce. But Hannah is waiting for the million-dollar legacy of her great-aunt Käthe and a divorced woman will never entrust her family heritage to the tradition-conscious old lady. So Hannah arranges the separation of table and bed with her future ex-husband. Then Hannah and Martin move into Aunt Käthe's villa and play a harmonious married life.
Helge Block
One night he will fetch the silver from the night sky Jonas loves his fathers magical stories. When Helge dies, Jonas ends up in an orphanage whereupon dreariness and discipline rule his life until a group of circus performers appear in the village.
Dr. Schnor
Die Tote vom Deich
Olaf Lange
Eine Robbe zum Verlieben
Dr. Knut Hansen
Außer Kontrolle
One Lover is not enough
Richter Siegfried Leuthental
Anna, married to the lawyer Rainer, despite all remorse, begins a liaison with the charming pharmaceutical representative Lars - fortunately the husband of her friend Bettina. Their meeting in a luxury hotel has fatal consequences: Anna and Lars are ear-witnesses of a supposed murder on the head of a call girl ring. Mistakenly, Anne's brother Max was suspected of doing something. Bettina, who has useful contacts due to her thriving wellness center, ensures that Max is released on bail. However, to acquit him they need Anna's statement - which would inevitably reveal her affair with Lars. So there has to be another solution...
Rosamunde Pilcher: Mit den Augen der Liebe
Paul Page
Wenn zwei sich trauen
Heinz Berganson
Heinrich der Säger
Kurt Grantke
Eine öffentliche Affäre
Zugvögel der Liebe
Luke Taller
Der Mann, den sie nicht lieben durfte
Roland Koenig
Tragic love story about a fashion designer who falls in love with a professional gamer after the death of her husband, without realizing that he received her husband's heart as an organ recipient.
Der Puma - Kämpfer mit Herz
Charly Engel
Rivalinnen der Liebe
The spoiled Leonora swears eternal revenge on her classmate Cassie out of jealousy and ensures that the orphan girl flies from boarding school. Years later, Cassie marries the stud owner Tyrone, the ex-lover of Leonora's mother. Leonora has an intrigue that nearly ruins Tyrone and puts a strain on his marriage. Cassie is miscarrying. After the accidental death of Tyrone she challenges her rival to an all-important horse race.
Gloomy Sunday - Ein Lied von Liebe und Tod
Der alte Wieck
Gloomy Sunday tiene lugar durante la II Guerra Mundial. Cuenta la historia de tres hombres que están enamorados de una bella camarera: el propietario de un restaurante intelectual, un músico misterioso y un hombre de negocios errático.
Die Sünde der Engel
Michael Weiss
Honigfalle – Verliebt in die Gefahr
Dr. Mandlik
Nur ein toter Mann ist ein guter Mann
Ludwig Fehr
Die Jagd nach dem Tod
Geraubte Unschuld
Dr. Mandlik
Woanders scheint nachts die Sonne
Koerbers Akte: Kleines Mädchen – großes Geld
Wer hat Angst vorm Weihnachtsmann?
Herr Lemm
A businessman books a Santa Claus with his wife from the student employment service for his children on Christmas Eve. He appears too late and when he realizes that he should only be the mess clown for the children so that they can go to bed quickly, because business friends are supposed to come to dinner, he calls his colleagues.
Risiko Null – Der Tod steht auf dem Speiseplan
Tot auf Halde
Karl Heinz Berger
Tomillo Silvestre
La protagonista, Victoria Bradshaw, se enamoró a los dieciocho años de Oliver Dobbs, un excéntrico e irascible dramaturgo londinense que la abandonó para casarse con una rica mujer. Tres años después, Oliver enviuda y se presenta en casa de Victoria con su hijo de dos años, al que acaba de raptar de la custodia de sus abuelos. Y Victoria comete la insensatez de abrirle nuevamente su corazón y de creer que la relación puede rehacerse...
Das tödliche Auge
Dr. Illenberg
Der Showmaster
Hamburger Gift
A docu-drama about tetrachloro-dibenzo dioxin, later known as 'Sevesogift', sprayed on thousands of tons of vapor in Vietnam 'Agent Orange', and the involvement of the later Federal President, Richard Karl Weizsäcker, who was hiring manager when production was moved to another plant because of massive health problems of the workers, but claims to be unable to remember anything, in these crimes.
Leo und Charlotte
Dr. Rueggeberg
Eine Liebe in Istanbul
Der Zauberkasten
Archie Smith
Tam Tam oder Wohin die Reise geht
Bernd Burglehn
Die Bombe
Jan Lessing
Der Knick – Die Geschichte einer Wunderheilung
Prof. Lerb
Octavio Piccolomini
Reichshauptstadt privat
Annas Vater
Zerbrochene Brücken
Gen. von Kretschmann
A “film-noir” on double identity and role reversal. A man is looking for a woman to love. He finds her in a seedy bar and persuades her to marry him. The day she decides to flee… he kills her. To ward off suspicion, he moves in with the sister of the deceased.
Don Carlos
Herzog von Alba
La chica del tambor
Red Cross
A Charlie, una joven actriz de EE. UU. pro-palestina, le ofrecen un suculento contrato para rodar en Grecia un anuncio para la TV. Al poco tiempo, descubre que todo el grupo es en realidad un comando de Israel que pretende reclutarla para que luche junto a ellos.
Das Wagnis des Arnold Janssen
Johannes Brinkmann, Bischof von Münster
Guillaume d'Orange
Red Boogie
Comedy about a group of musicians who are sent to play to villagers and workers to raise morale during a 5 year plan. The trouble is they prefer to play jazz and boogie music to the traditional folk songs, and each time they try their jazz they are reprimanded by the local party secretary.
Ja und Nein
Die Baronin - Fontane machte sie unsterblich
Wolf von Plotho
Der Regenmacher
Noah Curry
In the summer of 1913, a heat wave threatens the existence of the farm of H. C. Curry and his sons: The cattle die of thirst, the grain dries up. Then the adventurer Bill Starbuck comes to the ranch and claims he can conjure up rain for 100 dollars. The father and daughter Lizzie are believing the swindler.
Tödlicher Ausgang
Holger Rausch-Noske
Protokoll eines Verdachts
Gesche Gottfried
Die Eingeschlossenen
Leutnant Klages
Das Lamm des Armen
Heinrich Heine
Ein Hochzeitsfest
Waffen für Amerika
Based on the play by Lion Feuchtwanger.
Nordsee ist Mordsee
14-year old Uwe lives in s suburban Hamburg housing estate. Besides trouble, the boy has not much to expect from his parents. To get his hands on some money, he prizes open vending machines, and to let out his frustration he beats up "wogs". Among them is Dschingis, his nemesis. But one day, the rivals make peace. They become friends because they realize that they have the same problems and are driven by the same dreams and hopes.
Sherlock Holmes: Le signe des quatre
Sherlock Holmes
Adaptación televisiva de la novela de Arthur Conan Doyle.
El honor perdido de Katharina Blum
Staatsanwalt Hach
Después de pasar la noche con un presunto terrorista, la tranquila y ordenada vida de Katharina Blum queda completamente destruida. Como sospechosa, se convierte en víctima de una cruel campaña difamatoria de la policía y de un despiadado periodista sensacionalista, situación que pone a prueba los límites de su dignidad y de su cordura.
Erziehung durch Dienstmädchen
Die Jungfrau von Orleans
Plus minus null
Gräfin Mariza
Der Vorgang
Die merkwürdige Lebensgeschichte des Friedrich Freiherrn von der Trenck
König Friedrich II.
Der Held
Something Self Explanatory (15x)
An educational film about an aspect of political economy. The concepts of use value, barter value and labor as a commodity are the subjects; they are intended to introduce the process of understanding the theory of value of work and the law of values, alienation and fetish.
I Love You, I Kill You
German movie set in the future where there is a village existing only to maintain a game preserve for the ruling class and whose inhabitants are kept happy by popping pills. Written and directed by Uwe Brandner, the movie operates on many levels of love-hate relationships, but it is primarily a political parable about fascism and freedom.
Vier Tage unentschuldigt
A Big Grey-Blue Bird
Two rival gangs try to obtain the five parts of a dangerous formula held by five scientists.
Nicht nur zur Weihnachtszeit
An elderly lady has a trauma and simply must celebrate Christmas every day of the year, to the dismay of her family and relatives.
Alex Weller
Das Mädchen meiner Träume
Der Übergang über den Ebro
Aguirre, a Spanish father, left his family to work as a sewer worker in Germany. His son joined and he does hire. One day, the boy dies in an accident as well as German sewer worker who tries to save him. Aguirre tries to reach out to his widow and children who turn away. He understands that it is because he is a foreign worker and they reproach him as a foreigner, to be the cause of death of the German sewage worker. The universe Aguirre then collapses.
Sessel zwischen den Stühlen
Assistent Schleussner
The story of a gold smith who is so obsessed with his own craft that he murders his customers.
Der Hermelin
Der junge Mann
Es lebe der Tod
I'm an Elephant, Madame
I’m an Elephant, Madame ( Ich bin ein Elefant, Madame) follows a class of high school students in 1968 Bremen during their last year at school, their lessons, their protests, their private life. Focuses in particular on the troublemaker & provocateur Rull who in his apolitical chaotic way takes on both the authoritarian school administration and the leftist protesters.
Die Söhne
Karl Kürbitz
Kidnap-Die Entführung des Lindbergh-Babys
Charles Lindbergh
Eine Handvoll Helden
Jäger Borgmann
An episode from the war in 1806 when a small troop of Prussian soldiers digs in at a mill in order to defend itself against the overwhelming advance of the French army. 
Kollege Crampton
Max Sträher
Bratkartoffeln inbegriffen
Pilot Officer
Die Unberatenen
Die Gegenprobe
Klaus Schaeffer
Held Henry
Der Spaßvogel
Zwei Herren aus Verona
Affäre Blum
Erwin Tischbein
Nachruf auf Jürgen Trahnke
La novena sinfonía
Un famoso músico y director de orquesta adopta a un niño que había sido abandonado por sus padres en un orfelinato. Una mujer, que acaba de regresar de los Estados Unidos, solicita el puesto de institutriz en la casa. Esa mujer resulta ser la madre del niño.
Die Abrechnung
Dr. Kürschner