Joanne Tucker


Give or Take
When a disillusioned New Yorker's father dies, he goes home to Cape Cod and prepares the house for sale while sharing it with his father's temperamental live-in boyfriend. Grieving, they circle each other, butt heads, and negotiate how to remember the man they both loved, and the significance of what he left behind.
The Report
La historia de Daniel Jones, investigador principal del amplio estudio del Senado de los EE. UU. Sobre el Programa de detención e interrogatorio de la CIA, que resultó ser brutal, inmoral e ineficaz. Con la verdad en juego, Jones luchó incansablemente para hacer público lo que muchos en el poder intentaron mantener oculto.
Zero Days
NSA Character
Documental sobre una operación de ciberterrorismo diseñada por los servicios de inteligencia estadounidense e israelí para atacar el programa nuclear iraní.
Jenn y Matt, grandes amigos desde la universidad, han alcanzado los treinta. Cansada del panorama sentimental neoyorquino y soltera por decisión propia, Jenn se dedica a dar clases de ‘yoga erótico’ a la vez que hace de recadera de su jefe. Matt, incapaz de superar la relación con su exnovio, se ha centrado por completo en su negocio de cómics y ha dejado a un lado su sueño de ser un novelista gráfico. En medio de tal panorama, ambos deciden cumplir la promesa que se hicieron de jóvenes de tener un bebé juntos... a la antigua usanza.
Sweet Nothings
This came about in a simple way - Neil and I were discussing how much we liked the short film genre. Neil sent me this script and asked if I wanted to shoot it. I said yes. I was in NY on other business but decided to shoot it at the Mercer Hotel. A friend put me in touch with two amazing actors - ADAM DRIVER & JOANNE TUCK. We shot in a couple of hours on a Saturday Night, just the 3 of us in a dark room (all shot on NightVision).
I'm Coming Over
Cathy Avery
I'm Coming Over reveals a day in the life of Matt Downing, owner and proprietor of I’m Coming Over, specializing in holistic happiness. When traditional therapy has failed, Matt Downing picks up the pieces with common sense, good old fashioned hard work, and a strict avoidance of the modern world.
The Basement
A haunted young woman brings her new boyfriend to her parents' house.