Marjorie Lavelly

Nacimiento : 1921-04-12,

Muerte : 2006-09-22


Pop Pirates
A story of adventure in the pop music world. A schoolboy pop group who call themselves The Pirates find themselves involved with a different sort of piracy when they discover a secret video tape-copying factory
Cuando Sam Phillips, un padre de familia normal y corriente, desaparece sin dejar rastro, sólo su hijo Tony sabe que lo hizo después de que un gran destello apareciera en el cielo. Pero cuando Sam reaparece tan súbitamente como se había ido, Tony sabe que algo ha cambiado y que ya no es un ser humano. A medida que el cuerpo de Sam se va deteriorando, por culpa de un extraterrestre oculto en su interior, su hijo se da cuenta de que debe actuar para detener al intruso y evitar que infecte a los humanos con los millones de larvas alienígenas que transporta.
Confessions from a Holiday Camp
Timmy Lea and his brother-in-law Sidney Noggett are working as entertainment officers at Funfrall, a typical British holiday camp. The staff are lazy and inefficient, preferring to laze by the pool rather than organise activities for the holiday campers. A new owner, Mr. Whitemonk, an ex-prison officer, takes over the camp and is determined to install discipline into the staff. He is on the verge of dismissing Timmy and Sidney; however, Sidney's suggestion of organising a beauty contest changes his mind.
The Firechasers
Insurance investigator must find out who is setting fires. Along the way he meets and works with a beautiful newspaper reporter and falls in love.
Mister Jerico
Con man Dudley Jerico sets out to rob corrupt millionaire Victor Rosso of his legendary Gemini diamond, but there's another operator in town who is out to con the con.
El millón de ojos de Sumuru
Dos espías norteamericanos hacen equipo con la inteligencia británica para detener a la hermosa pero mortal Sumuru, una mujer con los ojos puestos sobre las decisiones del mundo. Después de haber reunido un enorme ejército de hermosas mujeres, ella y sus secuaces utilizan sus artimañas y atributos naturales para esclavizar a los hombres más importantes del mundo.
Where Has Poor Mickey Gone?
Things go terribly wrong for four youths, ejected from a London nightclub for rowdiness, after they decide to break into a Magic shop, where they tie up and terrorize the owner. They find to their cost that he deals in more than illusions...
Aderezo francés
Un cuidador de tumbonas de la decadente población costera de Gormleigh-on-Sea es ascendido de repente a responsable publicitario. Para despertar el interés en la ciudad organiza un festival de cine e invita a una destacada estrella del cine francés. Las maquinaciones de los alcaldes de ciudades rivales pronto siembran el caos...
Echo of Diana
When a woman begins to investigate her husband's mysterious death in a plane accident she discovers the involvement of a woman known simply as Diana.
The Hellions
Script Supervisor
Luke Billings (Lionel Jeffries) and his family have a problem with the new police sergeant Sam Hargis (Richard Todd) so they take over a small Transvaal town with the attention of drawing Hargis into a showdown. Hargis tries to get back up from the townsfolk who do not want to know, so is forced to lay low. As things get out of hand one of the Billings boys takes an interest in the storekeeper's wife, Priss Dobbs (Anne Aubrey). Having had enough her husband, Ernie (Jamie Uys) takes up the gun and heads down the main street alone. An act that prompts Hargis to join him. Slowly, the townsfolk turn up to back them up.
Witness in the Dark
A killer breaks into an apartment to steal a valuable brooch. He kills an old woman, but in fleeing he encounters a young woman on the stairs who will become his target.