Boo Dabu


Nacido con genitales masculinos y femeninos, pero criado como un niño por su familia conservadora, Adam pasa por todas las cosas por las que pasan los niños preadolescentes, incluida la fascinación por los animales extraños que toma como mascotas y ser enamorado de una chica encantadora. Su mundo bucólico se pone patas arriba cuando tiene su primer período menstrual y lo inicia en un viaje que pone a prueba los límites espirituales y físicos de la identidad sexual y lo lleva a un nuevo mundo de ambigüedad y deseo.
El Peste
Abner lives a drab, downcast, solitary existence. His wife has abandoned him for good. Working for pest control company Panther, his job remains his sole connection to the outside world. It seems going nowhere until he meets Viola, a client who is existence is as sad as his. Wife of a vain college teacher Dodie, Viola is a trapped bird. And meeting Abner seems to give her a chance to fly free. The house, infested with rats all around, becomes a powder keg of emotions and danger as sexual tension between Abner and Viola turns to illicit affair, all happening under Dodie’s nose. In order to extend their relationship, Abner devices something that will eventually lead to a tragedy that will change their lives forever.
Slumber Party
Frat Member
On the eve of the 2010 Miss Universe pageant, an unwelcomed guest enters into the drama of three gay friends.
Mariposa in the Cage of the Night
A tale of an innocent woman who unravels horrible truths while in search of her long lost sister in the city.