Daniil Izotov

Daniil Izotov

Nacimiento : 2008-04-17, Moscow, Russia


Daniil Izotov


Легенды Орлёнка
The teenagers who came to Orlyonok will have to unravel the mystery of the seven elders.
Summer Time: Travel Back
Your desires must be treated with caution. Romka, Yarik, Nikoletta and Yelisey made their own wishes at the magic tree in the Artek camp. The tree took them 30 years ago - to 1988, where they meet their parents, who then also rested in Artek. Now the guys need to make friends with their parents and, acting together, find a way back to the future.
Mitya Privalov
Robo es una increíble historia de amistad entre un niño y un robot. Donde se abre un mundo completamente nuevo para ambos. El niño aprende a ser fuerte y valiente, y el robot, inicialmente desprovisto de sentimientos, comienza a sentir empatía y a experimentar emociones humanas reales.
Praskovya continues working in the Bank despite hunger in the freezing siege of Leningrad. Her husband went to war. The only thing he left is the ink pot. This gift is the only item which makes Praskovya feel warm. In the most critical moment when no hopes or energy is left only the ink pot acts as a twist of destiny.
La Maldición de la Reina de Picas
El siniestro fantasma de la Reina de Picas está buscando sangre, sus víctimas son estudiantes de un antiguo internado envuelto en rumores sombríos. Explorando el ala abandonada de la escuela, los adolescentes descubren un espejo cubierto de misteriosos dibujos. Frente a él, recitan juguetonamente un encantamiento que hace realidad sus deseos más íntimos, a costa de nada menos que sus almas.
The Last Six Degrees of Celebration
"The Last Six Degrees of Celebration" will be the most touching, kind and magical of all, because your favorite characters will say goodbye to the audience. The film almanac will include five New Year stories. In the novel "Pines" millenial will help his brutal stepfather, Uncle Yura, to make a marriage proposal. In "The Brothers", the inseparable friends, Borya and Zhenya, will once again be on the verge of breaking up, because Zhenya is going to return to Yakutsk. The skier and snowboarder turned the whole city over for the sake of the smile of one beauty in the short story “Restaurant of quick acquaintance”. “The Station for Three” will tell the story of a simple girl from Voronezh who went in pursuit of her happiness - the capital actor Komarovsky, and in the novel “Bad Grandpa” the Snow Maiden will go to save a lonely, but very grumbling grandpa.
Six Degrees of Celebration 6
As the new year celebrations approach, a bunch of characters throughout Russia experience diverse situations that eventually get interconnected towards a joyous finale.
Китайский Новый год
Vanya Berezhnoy
Basado en el Terremoto de 1988 que azotó al país de Armenia, cuenta la historia de un hombre de familia que tras un viaje al exterior, aterriza en el epicentro de la desastre, encontrando su ciudad natal devastada. Pronto, tendrá que encontrar a su familia. Basado en hechos reales
The Day Before
Since the morning, the entire population of the planet has been concerned about one news: a red comet is approaching the Earth. A year ago, scientists only assumed this collision, a month ago they tried to establish the exact date - and finally, it was just announced by all communication sources: the end cannot be avoided. Moreover, it will happen tomorrow. There is one day left until... People of different classes, nationalities and faiths in different parts of a large country - each in their own way - are trying to spend this last day of their lives.
Chef's Life Is Available
Андрей, сын Саши и Светы
While visiting the old pub Andrey suddenly gets an opportunity to try to live somebody's else life. Available for rent is a life of famous chef and restaurants owner...
Six Degrees of Celebration 1914
100 years ago, the Russian Empire ... Christmas Eve. December plugs, holiday celebrations, balls and modest luxury holidays, titled nobles and ordinary peasants, the royal family and the soldiers of the First World War, progressive poets and the first skaters - everything was different, except ... the holiday. People prepared, lived, believed dreaming and waiting for this miracle - Christmas!