Zach Pappas


The Odyssey of Destiny
Stunt Coordinator
The world is cloaked in winter. Christian Adkins is a Renegade soldier longing for peace and the son of the famed Liberator. Jen is an orphaned nurse desperately trying to save children. When the two soul mates are trapped together at the end of World War III, their lives are forever entwined.
The Odyssey of Destiny
Christian Adkins
The world is cloaked in winter. Christian Adkins is a Renegade soldier longing for peace and the son of the famed Liberator. Jen is an orphaned nurse desperately trying to save children. When the two soul mates are trapped together at the end of World War III, their lives are forever entwined.
Expediente Warren: The Conjuring
Basada en una historia real documentada por los reputados demonólogos Ed y Lorraine Warren. Narra los encuentros sobrenaturales que vivió la familia Perron en su casa de Rhode Island a principios de los 70. El matrimonio Warren, investigadores de renombre en el mundo de los fenómenos paranormales, acudieron a la llamada de esta familia aterrorizada por la presencia en su granja de un ser maligno.