Angelo Reyes

Angelo Reyes


Angelo Reyes


Here Kills the Bride
Sigue a la hermana de Carlos cuando descubre que él se casará en una semana con Grace, una chica que acaba de conocer en un club de striptease. Su hermana investiga y se ve envuelta en un torbellino de eventos, poniendo en riesgo su propia vida.
Hillbilly, una elegía rural
Wiry Law Partner
Un estudiante de derecho en Yale vuelve a su pueblo de los Apalaches y reflexiona sobre la historia de su familia y sobre su futuro. Basada en la biografía del mismo título.
In da Red Corner
Doring is a 24-year old girl who is engaged in a sport that is not common to Filipino women-boxing. This in her desire to alleviate her family from poverty which is slowly devouring them. Her mother Idang is a fish vendor whose hope she leaves on to God. Her brother Aloy is a cynical teenager who is hopeless about the future and just going with the flow of the times. Her youngest sibling Uno is fast growing up discovering the stark realities of life and is slowly losing his innocence. Desperate and tired of living a miserable life and working in a palengke, Doring enters into amateur boxing in the hope of being discovered and go big time in the professional level. This is not just a fight for her dream but a battle of survival for her family.