Tanya Lemani George

Tanya Lemani George

Nacimiento : 1945-03-17, Iran


Tanya Lemani George is an Iranian born Russian dancer and actress. She moved to the US and began a dancing career in the 1960's, followed by roles in films and television, and also worked for productions as location manager, production manager, associate producer, choreographer, writer, and director.


Tanya Lemani George
Tanya Lemani George
Tanya Lemani George
Tanya Lemani George
Tanya Lemani George


Elvis '68 Comeback Special Edition
Herself - Belly Dancer
Featuring all the material shot for Elvis Presley's 1968 television special, including the two complete jam session concerts and the two complete solo concerts, which have never been released in their entirety All takes of the material shot for the original broadcast's two big production numbers and for the show's opening and closing segments Includes the original broadcast version of the special Newly remastered sound and picture
Trinity Goes East
Wily ace thief Trinity steals the dragon ball from Shaolin Temple. The dragon ball gets misplaced. Trinity joins forces with gruff, determined Interpol agent Bambino, formidable karate master Meng Ray, and feisty tour guide Wen Ling to retrieve the dragon ball before it falls into the hands of the wicked Paschy.
Misfit Patrol
Judge H.T. Hatchett
Two dim-witted and over-aged Los Angeles vice officers are forced to team up with a sexy female DEA agent to take down a drug dealing ring operating out of a local high school.
Top Fighter 2
The sequel of "Top Fighter" focuses in the importance of the women in the martial-arts movies, from her first characters as "hero's girl" until becoming superstars by themselves. A voyage by the times and the most famous beauty fighters from this genre: Angela Mao, Michelle Yeoh, Cynthia Rothrock and much more.
Desmadre en la isla
Belly Dancer
Sam y Dave son dos amigos que viven una vida aburrida... hasta que llegan a la isla del tío de Sam.
Los Ángeles. Dos hombres son asesinados de forma idéntica mientras practican sexo con una prostituta. La sargento Peg Peckham es trasladada de antivicio a homicidios para encargarse del caso. Peg está decidida a atrapar a la culpable y le pide a su novio David, psicólogo de la policía, que intente trazar un perfil de la asesina. Mientras, David empieza a sentirse atraído hacia una nueva y misteriosa paciente, Felicity, una chica amnésica que sufre pesadillas recurrentes en las que mata a sus amantes durante el coito. Aunque la conexión con el caso de Peg parece obvia, Felicity no cuadra con el perfil psicológico de la asesina, y su exuberante belleza altera el buen juicio de David.
Extreme Vengeance
After ten years in prison, vicious crime boss Mario Blanco is out for revenge. Revenge against the cop that put him away. Revenge at any cost! But David, the officer that sent Blanco to jail has been in hiding since quitting the force after exposing police corruption. Blanco's vengeance knows no bounds, as he goes on a murderous rampage, killing David's son, beating his wife, and raping his daughter. Now it's David's turn to fight back! He wages a one-man war against the syndicate, killing anyone that gets in his way. For the mobster, it's a case of eye for an eye justice. For David, it's EXTREME VENGEANCE...
The Last Season
Michelle's Mother
Four drunken hunters, eager to kill, accidentally shoot a young man's dog. The exploding chain of events that follow lead to murder... and more! The four killers cannot stop the gruesome quest for vengeance in this horrifying nightmare of revenge.
Brandon Lee: La leyenda continúa
Belly Dancer
Brandon es un muchacho, dulce y trabajador que sólo espera poder seguir ganándose la vida honestamente y poder casarse con su novia. Pero la belleza de la novia otro la desea, es por ello que irá a prisión por un crimen que no cometió. Después de salir de prisión, Brandon volverá por venganza; y cazará a todos quienes lo involucraron en esto.
Smokey and the Hotwire Gang
Some CB Outlaws attempt to rob an armored car.
Disco Fever
Jaded night club owner stages the comeback of an ex-teen idol for revenge.
Sketches of a Strangler
Belly Dancer
An art student living with his sister is actually a maniac strangling dancers and prostitutes. One victim's sister starts looking for him...
El Don ha muerto
Party Guest (uncredited)
Don, el máximo jefe del sindicato del crimen, ha fallecido. Rápidamente se convoca una reunión en la que participan las distintas familias de la mafia norteamericana para designar al nuevo jefe. La elección recae en Angelo DeMorra, que se convierte en el nuevo ?padrino?, lo que provoca la ira de otro mafioso al ser rechazado. Para hacerse con el poder, éste provocará el enfrentamiento entre el nuevo jefe y el hijo del difunto Don.
Did Baby Shoot Her Sugardaddy?
The teenage tiger that ripped off the mob and left the cops with their pants down! Only Baby could heist a million from the mob!
That Tender Touch
Irene Barrett
When Terri marries and moves to the suburbs, her lesbian lover, Marsha, doesn't take kindly to Terri's desire for a "normal" life. Determined to win her love back, Marsha worms her way into the newlyweds' happy heterosexual home. Meanwhile, Marsha's seductive beauty converts several other women in the neighborhood.
Some Kind of a Nut
Belly Dancer (uncredited)
Van Dyke interpreta a Fred un empleado en un banco que está a punto de divorciarse de su mujer, Rachel, y casarse de nuevo con su compañera de oficina, Pamela. Sin embargo, durante un picnic en el Central Park, Fred sufre la picadura de una abeja en la barbilla y a partir de ese momento una gran barba comienza a salirle, lo que traerá complicadas consecuencias.
Big Daddy
A visitor to the Everglades swamps in Florida encounters and falls in love with an uneducated girl. But he finds competition for her affections from the unlikely and mysterious A. Beauregard Lincoln. He also discovers danger from nature in the form of vicious alligators and from the mystical in the form of a voodoo witch doctor.
Elvis: The '68 Comeback Special
After years of diminishing returns on the big screen, Elvis gets back to his roots on television, and turns in one of the greatest performances of his career.
Now You See It, Now You Don't
Belly Dancer
A bumbling art expert, hired by an insurance company to protect a Rembrandt on loan from the Louvre, schemes to steal it.
Los héroes están muertos
Jamila (as Tania Lemani)
Orán 1946. La guerra ha acabado y dos pilotos americanos sobreviven haciendo pequeños vuelos comerciales con un C-47. Su suerte parece cambiar al conocer a Lee Harris, contrabandista a gran escala que reside en París junto a una bellísima mujer. Harris les contrata sin sospechar que su amante y uno de los pilotos iniciarán una relacion amorosa, poniendo en peligro el negocio.
El pirata del rey
Member of Zucco's Troop (as Tanya Lemani)
El teniente Brian Fleming se ofrece voluntario para llevar a cabo un plan de la marina británica. Será acusado de una grave ofensa y expulsado de la marina. Así podrá infiltrase en las filas del pirata Diego Suárez. Una vez en su fortaleza, se dedicará a recopilar valiosa información. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ladrona por amor
Lighter Fluid Saleswoman (uncredited)
Una mujer euroasiática que trabaja en un cabaret es contratada por un ladrón inglés y un escultor francés para que les ayude a robar una valiosa estatua china que es propiedad de un millonario.
Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round
Belly Dancer (uncredited)
A sophisticated con man mounts an intricate plan to rob an airport bank while the Soviet premier is due to arrive.
Un biberón en la ONU
Panja (uncredited)
Un diplomático encuentra a un bebé abandonado en el edificio de las Naciones Unidas. Como nadie sabe qué país tendría que ocuparse de él, decide encargarse él mismo de cuidar al recién nacido.