Semyon Litvinov


A Cruel Romance
In the town of Bryakhimov, noble but poor widow Harita Ignatyevna Ogudalova seeks to arrange marriages for her three daughters. She maintains an “open house”, hoping to attract gentlemen well-off enough to marry a dowry-less girl for love.
Tears Were Falling
A beautiful man, husband, father and worker Pavel Ivanovich Vasin got into the eye with a shard of the mirror of an evil wizard. And the world for him appeared in a gloomy light. He began to insult and offend everyone at home and at work. Anger and suspicion overwhelmed Vasin's heart. Enemies, schemers and thieves are seen everywhere. Everywhere he sees intrigues and intrigues. In complete despair from the ineradicability of evil, Vasin cries bitterly... along with tears, the unfortunate splinter disappears...
31st of June
A lonely journalist in some West European country has a vision about the princess of his city who lived in XII century.
Something with the Telephone
Based on the fantastic story by Kir Bulychyov "Can You Ask for Nina?". Guests gathered in Vadim Nikolayevich’s apartment to celebrate the 1979's New Year with a cheerful company. The landlord unsuccessfully tries to reach his friend Nina. He, dialing a number, gets to a girl who is also called Nina. Her answers seem strange to Vadim Nikolayevich until he realizes that he is in some unusual way talking with a child from Moscow in 1942.
El espejo
Un hombre, Alekséi, habla con su esposa sobre su situación actual y los motivos por los que se han distanciado. La película es una evocación continua de recuerdos y sentimientos que viajan en diferentes tiempos sin orden aparente: la relación con su madre, su infancia,...que se mezclan con material fílmico de noticiario sobre la Guerra civil española, la Segunda guerra mundial y el enfrentamiento entre la URSS y China por la isla Damanski. En la película suenan poemas escritos y recitados por Arseni Tarkovski, padre del director. Retrata un pasado que es el suyo, pero también el de un país y el del acontecer mundial.
Sound Designer
Un científico es enviado a la estación espacial de un remoto planeta cubierto de agua para investigar la misteriosa muerte de un médico. Adaptación del clásico de ciencia-ficción del escritor polaco Stanislaw Lem.
Dog Barbos and Unusual Cross
Sound Designer
This is the very first silent slapstick comedy short about adventures of Worldly, Coward, and Fool. What's more fun: fishing with worms, or dynamite? Three friends decided to have a blast! Unfortunately their dog Barbos just loves playing fetch. And this time that stick was used for blast fishing. Barbos saw people throwing a smoking stick in a water, and fetched it right back to his owners. The "unusual cross" part begins when owners try to outrun the dog with dynamite.