Vera Rudina


The Legend of Till
Makeup Artist
Based on the novel by Charles de Coster "The Legend of Thyl Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak, and their Adventures Heroical, Joyous and Glorious in the Land of Flanders and Elsewhere." First part: "The Ashes of Claes". XVI century. The freedom-loving and cheerful people of the Netherlands under the rule of the Spanish king: persecution, torture, bonfires of the Inquisition, encouraging scammers. The fearless Thyl Uhlenshpiegel and his faithful girlfriend Nele have to go through many trials. Second part: "Viva Beggars!". The people of the Netherlands, tormented by cruel royal decrees, taxes, heresy, torture and executions, began a war of liberation against Spanish rule. Many feats will be performed by the national hero Tilbert (Thyl) Ulenspiegel and his friend Lamme Gudzak before peace returns to their homeland.
El espejo
Makeup Artist
Un hombre, Alekséi, habla con su esposa sobre su situación actual y los motivos por los que se han distanciado. La película es una evocación continua de recuerdos y sentimientos que viajan en diferentes tiempos sin orden aparente: la relación con su madre, su infancia,...que se mezclan con material fílmico de noticiario sobre la Guerra civil española, la Segunda guerra mundial y el enfrentamiento entre la URSS y China por la isla Damanski. En la película suenan poemas escritos y recitados por Arseni Tarkovski, padre del director. Retrata un pasado que es el suyo, pero también el de un país y el del acontecer mundial.
Makeup Artist
Un científico es enviado a la estación espacial de un remoto planeta cubierto de agua para investigar la misteriosa muerte de un médico. Adaptación del clásico de ciencia-ficción del escritor polaco Stanislaw Lem.
The Brothers Karamazov
Makeup Artist
La película de 1968 muestra a Fedor Karamazov como un viejo tacaño, cuyos tres hijos persiguen su dinero. Los hermanos Karamazov, Dmitri, un jugador, Ivan, un pensador, y Aleksei, un monje, están viviendo sus diferentes problemas. Ivan está tratando de salvar al mundo haciendo una historia de "El gran inquisidor". Dmitri, quien perdió dinero en el juego, le ruega a su padre que lo ayude. Pero el padre le da mucho dinero a su amante Grushenka.
Andrei Rublev
Makeup Artist
A comienzos del siglo XV, el monje pintor Andrei Rublev acude junto con sus compañeros a Moscú para pintar los frescos de la catedral de la Asunción del Kremlin. Fuera del aislamiento de su celda, Rublev comenzará a percatarse de las torturas, crimenes y matanzas que tienen aterrorizado al pueblo ruso... La biografía del pintor ruso Andrei Rublev -Andrei Rubliov-, famoso por sus iconos, sirve de base para hacer un minucioso retrato de la vida social, política y artística en la Rusia de principios del siglo XV.
Soy Cuba
Makeup Artist
A través de cuatro historias se describe la lenta evolución de Cuba, del régimen de Batista a la revolución de Fidel Castro. Son cuatro narraciones que refuerzan el ideal comunista frente al capitalismo. A lo largo de estos episodios, Cuba se libera de sus dependencias políticas para reafirmar su identidad, singular e independiente, con sus contradicciones y esperanzas.
The Communist
Makeup Artist
A young ordinary communist, Vasiliy Gubanov, was among many who took part in the construction of the most important facility for the young republic, the power plant. He did his job in a way that was beyond human ability. He could love, too, with a passion and a passion for self, but his life was cut short very early.
Man of Music
Makeup Artist
The young composer Mikhail Glinka performs his new work at a soiree at earl Vielgorsky's house. However, the public is accustomed to Western music, and reacts coldly to the creation of the composer. This makes him very sad, but soon he decides to go learn the art of music in Italy. After returning from Italy, he is full of desire to write national Russian opera. Vasily Zhukovsky proposes a subject: a feat of Ivan Susanin. Tsar Nicholas I change the name of the opera to A Life for the Tsar and assigns a librettist - Baron Rosen. Acquaintance with the future co-author shocked Glinka: Rosen speaks Russian with a noticeable German accent. The premiere was successful, but Glinka was still not entirely happy with the libretto: "False words were written by Rosen". When Nicholas I learned that Ruslan and Lyudmila was written on Pushkin's subject, he sees it as sedition. The bitter experience of the composer brighten his supporters.
Tale of the Siberian Land
Makeup Artist
His right hand having been wounded during the war, concert pianist Andrei Balashov is unable to perform his art. As a result, the young man feels so depressed that he considers his life wasted. One day, he decides to leave the capital and flee from the woman he loves, Natasha, a rising singing star. Andrei takes refuge in Siberia, his native land. Once there, he gets a job in a sawmill, where he entertains his fellow-workers playing the accordion during leisure hours. Some time later, Natasha and her company are expected in America where they are to do a tour. But an airplane breakdown forces the pilot to land next to the village in which Andrei lives and works...
Six O'Clock in the Evening After the War
Makeup Department Head
Designed as a successor to "They Met In Moscow", with the same director, star and composer, "Six P. M." (1946 American release title) has two artillery officers meeting an attractive girl in Moscow between battles. One falls in love with her and they vow to meet in Moscow on a bridge at Six P.M. when the war ends. The war puts them on diverse trails, but the pledge is fulfilled against a setting of Moscow's famous fireworks displays.