Jack Harvey
Nacimiento : 1881-09-15, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Muerte : 1954-11-09
A film company is shooting a western on location when the star breaks his leg. A local mule herder, who had never acted before, is "shanghaied" into taking over the role. Complications ensue.
A cowboy must clear himself of a murder he did not commit.
Un agente publicitario, después de vivir unas extrañas relaciones con una psiquiatra, decide casarse con ella. Pero en el mismo altar donde se va a celebrar la ceremonia religiosa se encuentran con sus antiguos novios.
Adventure-seeker Ted Osborne has convinced his finacee Carole to finance his expedition to an uncharted South Pacific island supposedly populated with dinosaurs...
Admiral (uncredited)
Gene Kelly y Frank Sinatra son dos marineros de personalidades opuestas: uno (Sinatra) es tímido y un tanto ingenuo, mientras que el otro (Kelly) es un hombre de mundo. Ambos vivirán mil peripecias en la ciudad de Los Ángeles
A theatre critic (Dave O'Brien) teams up with a cop (Jack Mulhall) to investigate the murder of a Broadway actor.
After being run out of town after town for trying to sell worthless stock, two con artists breeze into the small town of Chesterville, where they find themselves accused of kidnapping a young boy to whom they offered a ride. When that misunderstanding is cleared up, the two conmen hatch a plot to unload all their worthless paper on the gullible citizens of Chesterville.
Versión cinematográfica de la obra de Lord Edward George Bulwer-Lytton sobre el conspirador cardenal Richelieu, al servicio del rey de Francia y siempre dispuesto a sacar adelante sus proyectos sin importarle las consecuencias. Sus manipulaciones tienen lugar en la corte, y lo mismo busca obstáculos para el amor entre dos jóvenes que lucha denonadamente contra el hermano del monarca.
Undetermined Role
A talented songwriter gets his inspiration for songs from others and not from within himself. He is oblivious that he may harm other people when he uses their stories or their love for himself.
During World War I, an illegitimate son of the German Kaiser, who had been raised in the US--and is a double for the Kaiser's son, the Crown Prince--is sent to Germany as a spy in order to kill both the Kaiser and his son.
During World War I, an illegitimate son of the German Kaiser, who had been raised in the US--and is a double for the Kaiser's son, the Crown Prince--is sent to Germany as a spy in order to kill both the Kaiser and his son.
Even though he disapproves of the harshness with which his father, the Colonel, treats his employees, Wayne Craighill joins the old man's mining business. Adding to the strain between father and son, Wayne soon falls in love with Jean, the daughter of a small mine owner whom the Colonel wants to put out of business.
Bruce Marsden, a former millionaire fallen on bad times, marries Helen Stanhope against her mother's wishes. The ambitious Mrs. Stanhope encourages Anthony Stuart, a rich broker and rejected suitor of her daughter, to win Helen away from Marsden, and Stuart consequently hires Marsden to work in his firm. As Marsden works, Stuart lavishes his attentions on Helen, who sternly rejects all his advances. Undaunted, Stuart sends Marsden away on a business trip and invites Helen to attend an elegant reception.
Born in a prospector's camp, orphaned by a flood and taken care of by relatives to whom she was unwelcome, Mercy grew up dodging blows and curses with equal dexterity and indifferent success.
Everybody agrees that Billy Budd should settle down. But no one has the nerve to tell him so. Billy Budd, says everybody, is fast. He travels in fast company, and be drives a fast automobile. It really is a pity. But who will undertake to reform him? It does not occur to anybody that Billy's auto has constituted itself his guardian spirit. Yet, the car, apart from Billy's influence, really is a remarkably good sort. One evening its owner leads it into evil ways. Stopping at a roadside inn to get some wine for himself and some gasoline for the auto, he finds the supply of gasoline has run out. Billy has had a lively day. So he reasons that if champagne be good for him it will do also for the auto.
Two young people marry in a Continental village and receive the congratulations of all save the rejected suitor. He bides his time while the couple live happily and are blessed twice with children. War is declared after the husband has suffered an injury for life and the rejected suitor enlists.
In the 1850s twin girls fall in love with the same young man, and must struggle with their feelings once he goes off to fight in the Civil War.
When May receives a letter from another girl telling her that Jack, her lover, is untrue, she dismisses him. Shep, Jack's beautiful collie, however, is suspicious of Jim Hallet, who, some way, he feels is responsible for his master's unhappiness. He trails Jim and steals another letter, written by Nell Borden. Jim's accomplice, which betrays the plot. This Shep brings to Jack, who then is able to convince May that trickery and Jim's jealousy are behind their estrangement. Meanwhile, Jim has schemed to enter May's house by night and commit a robbery, putting the suspicion upon Jack. But Shep, whom Jack has given to May, hears the thief. The noise of their struggle wakes May, who summons Jack and the police.
Little Helen, Mayor Southwick's child, straying away from an automobile party, gets lost in the woods. She comes to the house where the her father's political rival holds his secret conferences, and he orders his housekeeper to keep guard over the child while he motors to the city. His plan is to hold the child until her father has signed the bills he wants passed.
The police set out to take down a gang of counterfeiters, using every tool they have including police dogs.
The simple story of a heroic dog that saves the day appealed to audiences (especially with a well-trained animal as attractive and energetic as Shep), and became a movie staple for generations.
A lonely little girl is befriended by Shep, a neighbor's collie. The girl meets an untimely death, leaving Shep behind.
A comedy in which Johan has no desire to meet the unmarried Sarah, and so has his friend Freddy pretend that he is Johan.
Walton Belfield Jr.
Jabez Morton goes to a nearby field to drive some cows to an upper pasture. He pulls down part of Carson Belfield's pasture fence so as to drive the cows through. Belfield, who is sitting on a stump smoking his pipe watching his two children, Walton and Hulda, rises angrily and, rifle in hand, goes toward Jabez.
An old maid vies with a beautiful young student for the affections of an elderly professor.
Disgusted by the unsanitary conditions of the flat in which she lives, Patty Gordon, a pretty young artist, writes anonymously to John Richardson, asking him to investigate the conditions of his tenements. Plainly dressed, Richardson goes down to the tenements and rents an apartment for himself, so that he may see firsthand whether or not there is cause for complaint. He is accompanied by his dog, Dick, a valuable thoroughbred collie, who, seeing Patty's door open, enters and makes friends with her.