Luc Schiltz

Luc Schiltz

Nacimiento : 1980-12-16,


Luc Schiltz


The Last Ashes
Hélène returns to her native village under a new identity. Looking for revenge and, alone, she is ready to do anything to destroy the Graff family.
La Guerra de los Lulus
Agosto de 1914. Mientras el ejército alemán gana terreno en el norte de Francia, cuatro niños de 10 a 15 años, LUcien, LUcas, LUigi y LUdwig, se quedan atrás durante la evacuación de su orfanato.
Raspberries with Mustard
Meeri Ehrlich, 13 years old has three problems. First: She is in love - with the wrong person - and has butterflies in her tummy. Second: Her mother passed away and she misses her a lot. Third: her father - owner of a funeral home - is looking for a new partner. But Meeri has something that is only hers, something very special - she can fly.
Un amor intranquilo
Client boulangerie
Leïla y Damien se quieren con locura. Ambos luchan por mantener unida a la familia a pesar de la bipolaridad de Damien. Ninguno se rinde, aunque él sabe que nunca podrá ofrecerle lo que ella desea.
An Zéro
“An Zéro” is a transmedia project structured around a docu-fiction which has the ambition of exploring and documenting, in a plausible manner, the scope of the consequences a major nuclear accident would have on Luxembourg, it’s neighboring countries (Grande-Région) and Europe.
In the middle of preparing his apartment to have Mira live with him, Luc escapes to Svalbard. Stumbling drunk out of an Artic “Oktoberfest”, Luc meets Mike, a stranger who lives in an isolated cabin in the Arctic desert. Mike mysteriously abandons Luc in mid conversation. Intrigued, Luc decides to find Mike. Along the way, he meets Ingrid, a Norwegian teacher. Luc rushes into the footsteps of Mike who remains elusive and volatile, Luc hunts a shadow, his own possibly.
Bob is sent to a remote area to repair a radio transmitting antenna. Once there, he is surprised to discover that it is connected to a construction site by a mysterious cable.
De Buttek
Like every year, André, manager of a company named ALTER NATIVE that furnishes sanitary article, invites his seven employees to a quietly festive Christmas weekend. Yet, unlike the years before, André has bad news. He is terminally ill and wants to hand over his company to one of them. He will announce his successor in the course of the weekend. His collaborators immediately turn into competitors. When his own son, Philippe, whom nobody knew about, makes a sudden appearance, cards are redistributed, but suspicion quickly arises that André plays a deceptive game. While his employees, in a crazy race behind the back of the others, try to make their mark, Philippe tries to understand the obscure game his father is playing. And what role does the hotel owner play in all this? Jingle bells? Jingle bells!
Skin Walker
Regine (Amber Anderson) es una mujer muy frágil psicológicamente que se esconde en la ciudad, lejos de la oscura zona rural en la que pasó su traumática infancia. Lucha por construir la familia que nunca tuvo y por superar su pasado, pero por encima de todo, de dejar atrás el desastroso nacimiento de su hermano Isaac, que se saldó con la muerte del bebé y con una madre que perdió la cordura. Por desgracia, la ciudad es hostil y estresante, con sus propias amenazas. Una abusiva relación con el psiquiatra que trata a su madre pone al límite su vida hasta que un día un trágico acontecimiento sacude por completo su estabilidad mental: el brutal asesinato de su abuela. Esto plantea una nueva y dolorosa pregunta: ¿está su hermano vivo y planea vengarse de la familia que una vez le dio la espalda?
Invisible Sue
Christoph Hartmann
Sue, de 12 años, es un lobo solitario. Debido a una poción inventada por su madre, de repente puede volverse invisible. Pero cuando secuestran a mamá, Sue necesitará la ayuda de sus nuevos amigos Tobi y App para rescatar a su madre y perseguir a los delincuentes.
After ten years abroad, Catherine returns to Luxembourg, to catch up with her daughter Alba, brought up by Catherine’s mother Elisabeth. Alba is cold and distant with this stranger showing up unexpectedly in her life, so is Elisabeth, keen to keep her protégée to herself. One day, Catherine cannot take it anymore. She kidnaps Alba and takes her on a trip to a lake up North. Begins an unsettling journey into the puzzling world of motherly love, only to find out that sometimes the true opponent is yourself.
Colin Blake
Jérôme Kerviel protagonizó el mayor fraude de la historia en enero de 2008 cuando causó la pérdida de 4900 millones de euros debido a actividades fraudulentas en la Société Générale de París y fue condenado a 5 años de prisión.
Tomorrow, After the War
In February 1945, Jules Ternes returns to Luxembourg. To escape conscription, he fled the country and joined the resistance movement in France. Back in his hometown, Jules hopes to find peace of mind and put the war behind him. But he returns to a country devastated by the Battle of the Bulge and deeply divided from four years of occupation. His sister Mathilde is now engaged to Armand, the leader of the local resistance and his girlfriend Leonie has another man in her life. Jules nevertheless resumes a relationship with her and accepts a post as an auxiliary policeman. When Leonie is assassinated along with the German farmers she works for, the life Jules was struggling to rebuild collapses. The ensuing investigation will reveal grey areas of the Occupation along with the efforts made in high places to cover them up.
El nuevo Nuevo Testamento
Médecin hôpital
¿Qué pasaría si Dios existiese...y viviese en Bruselas? Dios en la tierra es un cobarde, con patéticos códigos morales y odioso con su familia. Su hija, Ea, se aburre en casa y no puede soportar estar encerrada en ese pequeño apartamento en la ordinaria Bruselas, hasta que un día decide rebelarse contra su padre, entra en su ordenador y le dice a todo el mundo el día en el que morirá, con lo que hace que de repente todos se pongan a pensar que hacer con los días, meses, o años que les quedan por vivir.
Les brigands
El Asesinato de la Princesa Diana
Police Officer
Telefilm que recoge los hechos relacionados con el trágico accidente de tráfico que acabó con la vida de la Princesa Diana. 31 de agosto de 1997. A los 36 años, Diana de Gales acaba de perder la vida trágicamente en un accidente de automóvil junto a su pareja, Dodi Al-Fayed. Rachel, una periodista estadounidense en París, es testigo del fatal incidente. Mientras las noticias sobre la muerte de Diana conmocionan al mundo, Rachel sospecha que algo se oculta en la versión oficial sobre el fallecimiento... (FILMAFFINITY)
D'Symmetrie vum Päiperlek
Roger, a Luxembourgish writer, transforms the characters around him into fictional beings: playing with reality and fantasy, he makes his novel "d'Symmetrie vum Päiperlek", a poetic and dreamlike fantasy, when multicolored butterflies come to land on the chessboard of a rather gloomy daily life.