E.P. Evers


Mary's Merry Mix-Up
Mary's brother
Father objects to Jack, Mary's new husband, believing him to be merely a flirtatious lifeguard. Mary's brother is in town and Jack believes her brother is something more-- that she may be 'false'. Jack disguises himself as the family's new butler to investigate.
Old King Coal
Stone assures Weisner, head of the Coal Trust, that Larnigan will never start for Pennsylvania. Weisner is skeptical and informs Stone that if he does go he may be killed, as a strike is in progress. Weisner, a little later in Maxwell's home repeats the statement of it being an easy matter to kill Tom should be come to the coal country. Dorothy Maxwell and Kitty Rockford overhear the conversation. They decide to go to the coal country and lend their aid to Tom.
The Railroad Monopoly
Tom Larnigan, encouraged by his victory over the Textile Trust, turns his attention to the Railroad Monopoly. Tom receives warning from the Graft Trust to cease his activities or suffer the fate of his father and brother.
Grinding Life Down
The experience of Bruce on the grain steamer has been a great shock to Dorothy. She thinks Stone responsible and breaks her engagement, despite the pleadings of her father. Tom Larnigan is working for the Textile Trust in Lyndham. The low wages have caused a strike. Tom does what he can for the workers.
The Jungle
Freddy Durham (as Ernest Evers)
Drama directed by George Irving et al.