Peter Harding


Espiando al ejército de Hitler
General Schlieben
El servicio de inteligencia británico llevó a cabo durante la guerra una de sus operaciones más audaces: conversaciones privadas de prisioneros de guerra alemanes fueron grabadas en secreto y transcritas palabra por palabra.
Beautiful People
In London, during October 1993, England is playing Holland in the preliminaries of the World Cup. The Bosnian War is at its height, and refugees from the ex-Yugoslavia are arriving. Football rivals, and political adversaries from the Balkans all precipitate conflict and amusing situations. Meanwhile, the lives of four English families are affected in different ways by encounter with the refugees.
Killing Time
After the mobster who murdered his partner is acquitted, semicorrupt detective Robert Bryant hires a beautiful female assassin, Maria, to kill him. When he discovers that he cannot afford Maria's services, Bryant is forced to hire another assassin, Madison, to kill her. Maria survives the doublecross and sets out to collect what's owed to her, one way or another.
Doorman at the Cadogan
El escritor irlandés Oscar Wilde fue un genio, un hombre que tuvo la osadía de enfrentarse a los tabúes, a la hipocresía y a la estupidez de la sociedad británica y, precisamente por ello, acabó siendo procesado y encarcelado. La suya fue una vida llena de escándalos y de éxitos en una época en la que ser diferente se consideraba un delito.
King of the Ghetto
An idealistic former soldier helps unite and house ethnic minorities in a run down area of the east end