Madeleine Fant


Script Supervisor
After a bad divorce life gets complicated for Linda. Her ex has found a beautiful model who gradually is more and more of a mother to Linda's 10-year-old daughter, as well as redoing their house. Even her best friend is now hers.
Vida salvaje
En un intento desesperado por salir de su crisis de la mediana edad, Martin lleva a su familia a vivir a las montañas de Noruega. Cazando y reuniéndose como sus ancestros hicieron hace miles de años.
Los emigrantes
Script Supervisor
Suecia, 1849. Una familia sumida en la pobreza decide trasladarse a América con la esperanza de encontrar una vida mejor y más próspera. Aunque saben que el viaje será peligroso y grande la presión de enfrentarse a una nueva vida en una tierra extraña y salvaje, están decididos a triunfar.
Una sombra en mi ojo
Script Supervisor
El 21 de marzo de 1945, la Real Fuerza Aérea Británica emprendió una misión para bombardear el cuartel general de la Gestapo en Copenhague. La incursión tuvo consecuencias fatales, ya que algunos de los bombarderos apuntaron accidentalmente a una escuela y murieron más de 120 personas, 86 de las cuales eran niños.
Nothing to Laugh About
Script Supervisor
Kasper Berntsen es un cómico de éxito, que tiene todo lo que podría desear. Un día todo cambia. Se entera de que tiene una enfermedad grave, y su novia le deja. La estrella emergente de Kasper como cómico cobra nueva vida al utilizar el humor como fuerza desarmante y liberadora. Descubre nuevas facetas de sí mismo y, sobre todo, lo más importante de la vida.
Staying Alive
Script Supervisor
Marianne (34) discovers that her boyfriend Håkon is having an affair. Supported by her best friend's revenge tips, Marianne stumbles into her new life where she discovers that coziness is overrated and having fun is what matters.
Script Supervisor
Erik y Phillip intentan salir adelante como escritores. Erik es rechazado por las editoriales por su supuesta falta de talento, pero el manuscrito de Phillip es aceptado y, casi de la noche a la mañana, el joven se hace un hueco entre los grandes de la escena cultural noruega. Seis meses después, Erik y sus amigos visitan el hospital psiquiátrico en el que Phillip se encuentra internado para llevarlo de vuelta a casa, después de haberse sometido a un largo tratamiento. Volver a escribir es lo último que Phillip tiene en la cabeza, pero Erik, que no ha cesado en sus intentos literarios, tratará de convencer a su amigo para que retome su afición.
Love Me Tomorrow
Three years have passed since Elling moved to town together with Kjell Bjarne, his roommate from the institution at Brøynes. Elling now lives on his own in the apartment. Kjell Bjarne has moved up one floor, to Reidun and her little daughter Mojo. Elling feels like an outsider, and he isolates himself more and more. He observes humankind with astonishment, and wonders at how everyone else seems to be adjusting so well. Finally, Kjell Bjarne takes care of the situation. Elling protests, but he is still pretty happy as he is transformed into a new man, clean, fully rested and well dressed. Deep inside, he also knows what's lacking, and one evening he finally finds the woman he knows is able to fill the void in his life. He's willing to do anything to win her trust and conquer her love. But when he is invited home to his new girlfriend for dinner, a few objections appear to Elling, and the story doesn't end quite the way he had thought it would.
Mother's Elling
Elling has lived with his mother all his life. Mom is the practical one, while Elling ponders the more theoretical aspects of life. He spends his time in their apartment reading books and looking at the neighbours through the living room window. Elling doesn't seem to need to be around others like most people. That's why Elling is less than enthusiastic when his mother suddenly decides to take her son on a beach vacation to Spain. Reluctantly, Elling agrees. After all, a lady at her age needs a good man by her side. But what Elling refuses to realize is that Mom is not only old, but also sick. Very sick. On her last vacation she tries to get Elling to see that life is bigger than their living room.
Elling está preparado para volver al "mundo real" tras un periodo de dos años en una clínica psiquiátrica. Tutelado por los servicios sociales noruegos, él y su compañero de habitación, un gigante bonachón llamado Kjell Bjarne, son propuestos para ser reintegrados en la comunidad. La asistencia social les ha concedido un apartamento en Oslo, donde se supone que han de ser capaces de cuidar de sí mismos. Pero, para alguien a quien entrar en un restaurante le resulta tan complicado como atravesar la Antártida, esta nueva vida está llena de obstáculos.
Olsenbandens siste stikk
Script Supervisor
Fifteen years after they last saw each other, Benny, Valborg and Dynamitt-Harry discovers that Egon Olsen is out of prison and living in a retirement home. Olsenbanden is reunited, and Egon has a plan.
Script Supervisor
Marianne visits her dying father in the hospital who tells of a box of old letters that she must promise to destroy. Marianne chooses to do the opposite, and reads them instead. There she finds shocking accusations against her father, who allegedly murdered a young woman 25 years ago.
Stork Staring Mad
Script Supervisor
A married couple, unable to conceive, search for a male donor, but jealousy creates problems when the husband spies on his wife while posing as her brother.
The Last Lieutenant
Norwegian war drama. The old sea-captain retires, but the next day German WWII occupation of Norway begins. He then kisses his wife good-bye and is off to Army HQ. There he finds a lack of leadership and morale that offends him. They even laugh at him and his out-dated uniform and officer-rank. Secondloitnanten then finds and leads his private troop of volunteers against the German attack. The movie tells the story of a man that refuses to give up, even when everybody else leaves. He will fight for the country he loves and do his duty.
The Perfect Murder
Script Supervisor
Film director Pierre is making an erotic thriller with his girlfriend Greta. When men start disappearing, parallells between the movie and real life becomes obvious.
Lethal Lies
Script Supervisor
For the second time the two curious boys named Pelle and Proffen get mixed up in dangerous business.
Buicken - store gutter gråter ikke
The bothers Ken and Bent are separated when their parents are divorced, and grow up as very different persons, before they meet as grown ups. They help each other out, but some years later Bent disappears. Only his crashed Buick is found.
Script Supervisor
Las aventuras de un chico que naufraga en los mares del sur del Pacífico y que llega a una isla desierta, donde deberá rescatar a sus compañeros de travesía y luchar contra unos piratas que están a la búsqueda de un tesoro.
Blücher is a 1988 Norwegian thriller film directed by Oddvar Bull Tuhus, starring Helge Jordal, Frank Krog and Hege Schøyen. Two North Sea divers who have recently been fired plan to vindicate themselves by a pioneer expedition to the wreckage of the German cruiser Blücher, at the bottom of the Oslofjord. The expedition soon becomes entangled in political intrigues.
Pathfinder, el guía del desfiladero
Basada en una leyenda lapona del siglo XII, narra la historia de un joven que lucha para tratar salvar a su gente de una tribu invasora. Obtuvo buenas críticas, además de ser una de las pocas películas noruegas de la década de los ochenta que tuvo éxito en el resto de Europa.
He went out to empty the trash, but he should never have done that! Just listen to what happened to our hero Reinert Andersen in the early morning. In his bathrobe he goes quiet out to throw his garbage bag. But the bin is overfilled, and the neighbor shows up when he tries to sneak it into his. A tricky situation. He takes the speed to heave it over the hedge ... At the same time in a neighborhood bank, Henry and his gang make a successful coup, starting with the escape police pursuit. The only thing that gets in their way, are Reinerts garbage bag. It lands right in the front window, and the remains of it in the face of the policeman who is about to catch the robbers on a motorcycle. Double-flap! And Reinert? a bit naive and nice guy really is suddenly as the focal point in a series of events in his wild imagination would have thought was possible.
Makaroni Blues
Script Supervisor
When Italian Vincenzo comes to Norway to open a restaurant, Norwegian drinking habits and alcohol politics are seen with southern European eyes. Vincenzo dies trying, and his brother seeks revenge.
Orion's Belt
Script Supervisor
Live to tell the truth. What can one man do against the most lethal army on earth? Local fishermen/smugglers/tourist guides Tom, Lars and Sverre discover the Soviet Union aren't just mining for coal in the arctic archipelago of Svalbard. This is a secret too big for any of them, and soon they find themselves hunted down by Soviet forces and secret agents.
Snart 17
Script Supervisor
Marianne is going on 17, she feels too fat, and struggles with the ideals girls have to live up to to get accepted. When she meets her penpal Svein for the first time things look up, but she soon has to face new and unexpected problems when she discovers she is pregnant. Not being able to get support even from her own family, she has to make her life's most difficult decision on her own.
Hockeyfeber tells not only the story of collisions on the ice , but also about life as it really fortoner in the tough environment amateur sport unfolding in . The film depicts the sporting community for better or worse , and shows how tough and cynical demands of athletes being when the sponsors' affection, the most important.
Olsenbandens aller siste kupp
The Olsen Gang is involved in a weapon trade for half a billion. It's their final coup, and Valborg is finally allowed to participate.
Henry's Back Room
This is the story about Henry who fails in his marriage. He also feels unsuccessful in the role as the father of his daughter Susanne. Shortly thereafter, his daughter commits suicide and Henry begins to explore his daughter's life. He meets Tom, a acquaintance of Susanne, and through him, Henry find out that there was a lot he did not know about his daughter.
Olsenbanden gir seg aldri!
The Olsen Gang realizes that cash is obsolete with the current inflation rate, and plans a coup for property and bonds. They make a fake company and tries to buy Oslo's biggest shopping mall, Steen and Strøm.
We follow the rootless Sinsen gang in good times and bad. A life that consists of rock concerts, hut trips, amusement park visits and car thefts. The year is 1958, when the Americans launched the Explorer and the Russians Sputnik III. However, these events do not interest the youthful persons in this film, the members of the "Sinsen gang". For them, it is far more important to know which rock hits are on top on Top Twenty on Radio Luxembourg, and to have seen the latest film with Elvis. The most important is to be accepted by the gang, to be loyal to your pals, and for a very few to be prepared for school