Lyudmila Yelyan

Lyudmila Yelyan


Lyudmila Yelyan


There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beach
When mysterious Russian bandit named Artist came in USA, brave Russian special agent Fyodor Sokolov runs to States for defeat evil master.
The Murderer
A tragic accident happens during the shooting of a movie about Jesus Christ. An actor who plays Jesus is killed. The director of the movie believes that he is guilty of this death.
Don't Wake a Sleeping Dog
After coming out of jail a sneak thief "Chibis" plans a big afaire.
The Public House
"Horror" film about the harsh lives of the children living in an outwardly prosperous orphanage. When a young boy dies during a clandestine mutual drug-taking session, his accomplices unsuccessfully try to hide his corpse to evade punishment, and then the orphanage management tries to hush up the whole affair to keep up appearances.
You Don’t Like Our Governement, Do You?
Farewell, punks of Zamoskvorechye...
Moscow outskirts, spring 1956. In memory and soul of the sixteen-year-old hero of the movie, the son of the political prisoner, this time will remain forever. He meets and loses his first love, encounters with blunt brutality of the criminal world, to bid farewell to childhood, to regain his father...
A twelve years old girl Lena who has come to live with her grandfather in a small Russian town is being bullied by her classmates. She took the rap of being a class traitor because she was in love with the boy who had betrayed his classmates when they were bunking off and going to cinema instead of a literature lesson. The class is penalized for that, not being allowed to go to Moscow for fall holidays with the rest of the school. Lena is being ostracized, "boycotted" however not telling the truth, waiting that the boy himself would confess to be guilty.
Look for a Woman
The story begins when Alice Postique, who had to stay late at work, discovers her boss Roche with a knife in his back. When the police detective arrives, Alice recognizes him as her old friend.
Portrait of the Artist's Wife
The events of several days spent by the married couple - artist Pavel Alekseevich and his wife Nina - in a small country boarding house. For him, this is an opportunity to collect his thoughts and finally, after many years, write a new picture. The usual life of vacationers is mushroom hikes, boat trips, a costume ball, if not for Nina’s attraction for another man...
White Snow Of Russia
The screenplay of his own novel, wrote the grandmaster, the champion of the USSR chess Alexander Kotov. Tape of the world chess champion Alexander Alekhine.
Fuss of the Fusses
A comedy about a civil registry official whose job is to register newlyweds and who just discovered that her husband has been cheating on her for 3 months, her daughter met a guy she doesn't approve of, and her life has suddenly become a fuss of the fusses.
Una pieza inacabada para piano mecánico
Mikhail llega con su esposa a la casa de campo de un amigo para pasar el fin de semana y allí se encuentra con la mujer a la que amó de joven. Este encuentro le hace añorar su juventud y las ilusiones perdidas.
A Slave of Love
Olga Voznesenskaya is a silent screen star whose pictures are so popular that underground revolutionaries risk capture to see them. She's in southern Russia filming a tear-jerker as the Bolsheviks get closer to Moscow. Although married, she spends time every day with Victor Pototsky, the film's cameraman. Gradually, it comes to light that Victor uses his job as a cover for filming White atrocities and Red heroism: he's a Bolshevik. He asks her for help, and she discovers meaning in her otherwise flighty and self-centred life. Love blooms. Will the Red forces arrive in time to save them from a suspicious White military leader? Will she find courage?
At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own
Following the Russian Civil War, a loyal Red, Shilov, must prove he is at home among strangers as he attempts to recapture a shipment of gold that he was supposed to deliver to Moscow. Needed as a means of buying food for the people, the gold Shilov was entrusted with is stolen, initially by a group of assassins and then by a group of bandits. In tracking the gold’s whereabouts, Shilov’s motives are questioned and he is suspected of treason, in part because his brother was a devoted White. In an effort to clear his name, Shilov locates the gold, but he also discovers rampant greed and corruption.
Six-graders Tosha and Kostya are trying to deliver the pre-WWII telegram they accidentally find.
Autumn Weddings
A poetic story about the first love of the village girl Natasha, loyal to the memory of the deceased fiancé. In peacetime, the heroine's fiancé blew up on a land mine that remained on the collective farm field since the war, and her life turned into a nightmare. But sooner or later, dreams end and the world opens again. Pregnant Natasha goes to the institutions, seeking to be signed with the father of the unborn child who died tragically. At the end, after long ordeals, she comes to the conclusion that writing in the marriage book will not change anything in her life.
The Elusive Revengers
Dan'ka's and Ksanka's childhood in the village has been brutally ended when their father was killed by the White Guard officer in front of their eyes. Seeking revenge they join forces with an intellectual from the city Valerka and jipsy Yashka, but before they get close to their enemy they have to help their village and advancing Red Army.