Lily y Chen son una amable y trabajadora pareja de chinos que sueñan con hacer fortuna en el extranjero. Cuando se les presenta la oportunidad de abandonar Hong Kong para abrir un pequeño restaurante en Londres, no se lo piensan dos veces, y se enfrentan a su futuro con decisión. Una vez allí, se disponen enseguida a trabajar para ganarse la vida honradamente, pero sin remedio se toparán con la temible mafia china. Su duro trabajo es pisoteado por la violencia y la extorsión, y su única salida será enfrentarse directamente a los mafiosos.
Stephen and his friends Linus and William, all in their late teens, loitering out all day with nothing to do. They steal cars' radios for a living. Previously, they are unduly provoked by an instructor at a Cadet School, the three decide to get revenge and steal the car's radio of that Instructor. However, they get caught. Leung, another probation officer, requests to take on their case. Leung is a kind man who loves cycling, he hopes that he could inculcate them an interest in cycling...
Maggi has transferred to a girls' boarding school in the new semester. No sooner than she has arrived, she has already had an enormous conflict with a group of girls called Purple Dolls. Among Maggi's teachers, Mr. Lau, a biology lecturer has accepted the challenge and started training the girls for the annual physical endurance competition. But when the roommates' spirit is escalating, Maggi is depressed by the destruction of her romance...