Lara Lemon

Lara Lemon


Lara Lemon


Troubled secret agent "Blackbird" abruptly retires from service and opens a luxurious nightclub in the Caribbean to escape the dark shadows of his past. An old flame arrives and reignites love in his life but she brings danger with her.
As a Prelude to Fear
Eve Taylor
Cuando una joven violonchelista llamada Eve Taylor es secuestrada y encarcelada en un sótano parecido a una mazmorra, el detective de policía Barnbrooke cree que es obra del notorio psicópata que los medios han llamado "El flautista". Pero al no haber podido detenerlo en más de catorce años y con otras tres chicas desaparecidas, presuntamente muertas, el detective de policía Barnbrooke sabe muy bien que si no puede precisar a su único sospechoso esta vez, Eve correrá la misma suerte que el otras víctimas del flautista de Hamelín. Conocer la identidad del flautista de Hamelín es una cosa, pero demostrarlo a tiempo es otra historia más letal.
The Taping
On the set of a commercial shoot a corporate boss is involved in an accident which leads him to question everything he holds dear.
The Pugilist
After his eldest son is murdered in a gangland hit, an absentee father desperately tries to protect what's left of the shattered family he abandoned.
Niamh O'Brian
Un ex-recluso SAS, que vive en las montañas de Francia para escapar de un pasado traumático, es perseguido por aquellos cuyas vidas había destruido.
Deadly Intent
After the tragic death of her husband, a soldier posted to Afghanistan, Bryony tries to build a new life for herself and her young son, James. Struggling with her own grief she fails to notice that James has become secretive and withdrawn, spending hours alone playing out death scenes with his toys. When things start to go missing and furniture is smashed Bryony blames James but when she confronts him she finds herself facing a reality more terrifying than any nightmare. As her world crashes around her Bryony realises that unless she can find a way to reconnect with her son she and James will be separated for ever.
There's no time for pain relief.