Viktor Gerrat


Silent Souls
Miron (Yuriy Tsurito) acaba de perder a su querida esposa, Tanya (Yuliya Aug). Su amor hacia ella era tan grande que le pide a su mejor amigo, Aist (Igor Sergeyev), que le ayude a despedirla según el ritual de la cultura Merya, una tradición de la región del Lago Negro que se remonta al siglo XVII. Los dos hombres parten hacia el lago con ese objetivo y, durante el largo trayecto por las tierras desérticas de Rusia, Miron se acerca más que nunca a Tanya... aunque no está preparado para la nueva y terrible verdad que se rebela ante sus ojos.
The Mystery of the Golden Mountain
1722. Peter I issues an edict, stating that everyone who finds in Russian lands mineral wealth, and provide its precise map will be generously remunerated and will rid him/herself of serfdom. This decree works up the whole Russia. Serfs and all kinds of prospectors rush to Siberia to earn freedom. So does a serf Michael Volkov, but cant find anything. Especially he wishes to find a golden mountain, which, by all accounts, contains the wealthiest entrails of combustible stone - bituminous coal. His road leads him to one German geologist, whom tsar hired to research Siberias natural resources. And Michaels dream starts coming true. But he doesnt know, that his small detachment got a spy in the face of a local money-bags. As soon as he finds minerals, he will have to kill Mikhail