Production Accountant
En un mundo extrañamente parecido al nuestro un cowboy de nombre Roland Deschain de Gilead persigue a su eterno enemigo, "el hombre de negro". Roland, solitario, quizá maldito, anda sin descanso a través de un paisaje triste y abandonado. Conoce a Jake, un chico de Nueva York pero venido de otro tiempo, y ambos unen sus destinos. Ante ellos están las montañas. Y mucho más allá, la Torre Oscura... Adaptación de la saga literaria de Stephen King.
A deep look at how Ralph Bakshi made his version of Lord of the Rings (1978). With Ralph Bakshi, Victoria Bakshi-Yudis, Chris Conkling, Timothy Galfas, Scott Kleinman, & Tom Tataranowicz.
Emmett Smith, a competitive runner and high school track coach at Cortez High School in Phoenix, Arizona, is left without a sense of balance after a brain tumor is removed. He is told that he will never run again, but undaunted, he sets and meets a goal of not only regaining the ability to run, but to run 20 consecutive miles before a year has elapsed. Wheelchair-bound Cindy Duncan's determination gets her admitted to Apollo High School in Glendale, Arizona after she demonstrates that she will not need special attention. Coach Smith (now at Apollo) challenges her to meet the goal of recovering from her injuries (from being hit by a car) to the extent of being able to walk to the podium at graduation to receive her diploma. He bets that she can do it, and will have to wheel himself in her wheelchair the entire three miles to Cortez H.S. if she succeeds.
Adaptación en dibujos animados de la extraordinaria novela de Tolkien, centrada en la primera mitad de la trilogía: "The Fellowhip of the Ring" y la primera parte de "The Two Towers". En la Tierra Media, desde las verdes praderas de la Comarca, Frodo Bolsón, sobrino de Bilbo Bolsón, se embarca en una larga y peligrosa aventura para evitar que un anillo mágico que perteneció a su tío caiga ahora en poder del malvado Sauron, dueño de Mordor.