Marcos Machado


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Assistant Director
Olivia suffers from OCD, a mental condition that manifests itself through a voice in her head that compels her to brush her teeth constantly. During Christmas Eve festivities in Barranquitas, Puerto Rico, the voice comes back after being dormant for a year. Not having Health Care, she desperately searches for the pills that will control her OCD without a prescription. Through her friend Jessica, who she met years ago in a mental institution, she meets David, the town’s pharmacist’s son, who agrees to sell her the pills. Trapped inside David’s apartment by a rainstorm, two strangers start uncovering truths about each other and start a healing process that doesn’t necessarily involve pills.
Ayotzinapa en mí
Documental sobre los 43 estudiantes normalistas desaparecidos en el estado de Guerrero, México en 2014. Esta cinta busca entender qué fue lo que verdaderamente sucedió con los jóvenes de Ayotzinapa y, más allá de estas desapariciones, qué está sucediendo en México que se ha convertido en un estado violador de los derechos humanos.
Ovnis en Zacapa
El largometraje sigue la historia de Rober Daneri (Daneri Gudiel), profesor universitario experto en ovnis. El frustrado académico “es contratado por un canal de televisión para conducir un reality show sobre extrañas desapariciones ocurridas en Guatemala”. Lo que sucede es que Daneri no sospecha que, la verdad detrás de las extrañas apariciones, le traerá consecuencias fatales.
La otra intención
In San Juan, Puerto Rico, hundreds of artists gathered to pay honor to the work of Puerto Rican artist Myrna Báez. La otra intención (The Other Intention) is an observational documentary that travels through the work of Myrna while visiting artists, such as Petra Bravo, Deborah Hunt, Yiyo Tirado, Gustavo Castrodad, the theater group Y no había luz, among others, to accompany them in their creative process of re-interpretation.
La otra intención
In San Juan, Puerto Rico, hundreds of artists gathered to pay honor to the work of Puerto Rican artist Myrna Báez. La otra intención (The Other Intention) is an observational documentary that travels through the work of Myrna while visiting artists, such as Petra Bravo, Deborah Hunt, Yiyo Tirado, Gustavo Castrodad, the theater group Y no había luz, among others, to accompany them in their creative process of re-interpretation.
Ergonomía para Diana
Narrates how different members of a family who inherited a loss of hearing adapt to their condition by finding their own acoustic ergonomics. The story of these characters revolves around a 10-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with loss of hearing. The film was shot during five weeks in the area of Taras de Cartago, the province where the protagonists of this peculiar story live. It penetrates the daily lives of several households from Cartago, displaying the unique sound universe of each character.
Puro Mula
Joel Fonseca nunca ha sido la persona más responsable de su barrio. A sus 28 años todavía vive con su padre y su única motivación para despertarse en la mañana es tocar guitarra y beber cerveza. Pero en este día su ajetreada rutina será interrumpida cuando su hermana mayor le pide que cuide a su hijo. No muy entusiasmado al respecto, Joel acepta la tarea pero las cosas se le complican cuando el niño desaparece de la casa sin dejar rastro. Entonces se ve forzado a emprender una intensa búsqueda por el barrio que lo vio crecer. En su recorrido se encontrará con viejos amigos, enemigos, ex novias, policías y criminales, que de alguna manera forman parte de su pasado. Poco a poco, estos encuentros le harán caer en cuenta de que sigue siendo el mismo holgazán irresponsable que era hace 10 años. Sin embargo, hoy la responsabilidad se materializa en un niño de 6 años que tendrá que encontrar antes de que su familia se de cuenta de que lo ha perdido.
Tieta of Brasil
Just when her family starts believing that she is dead, and that they can expect a rich heritage, Tieta returns from São Paulo to her native village in Bahia, which she had been forced to leave long ago because of some involvement with a goat herd. Believed to be fabulously rich - and nobody knows how - she brings to the great disappointment of her family a young step-daughter and heir. With the arrival of Tieta turmoil enters into the life of her family and their fellow villagers. Most particularly into the life of her nephew - promised to the Church - and the young aspiring mayor.