Donatella Palermo


Mi fanno male i capelli
The film is freely inspired by the great actress Monica Vitti, but it is in no way a biopic. It is the story of a woman named Monica, who loses her memory and regains meaning in her life.
The Fabulous Ones
It often happens that at the moment of death, transgender individuals are shorn of their identity. Their families are ashamed, the funeral takes place in secret, and on the tomb appears the name the deceased had before their transition, in one stroke nullifying the entire life path they had chosen. The same thing happened to Antonia. Her girlfriends gather to honor her memory and give her back her identity denied. In telling her story, the film’s stars, all drawn from the variegated transgender world, interweave the narrative with tales of their own lives, experiences, and memories.
Leonora addio
Una historia de tres funerales surrealistas de Pirandello entrelazados con el asesinato de un joven inmigrante siciliano en Brooklyn por lo que se describe como una narrativa surrealista, grotesca y compleja.
Last Words
Executive Producer
La humanidad lleva más de una década sin asistir a ningún nacimiento. Un grupo de supervivientes responden a la llamada de reunirse en Atenas, donde el narrador de la película, Jo, un chico de origen africano, intenta hacer la última película del mundo.
Un retrato de quienes intentan sobrevivir en el Medio Oriente devastado por la guerra.
The Big Step
Ever since, at the age of six, Dario Cavalieri saw live images of the first moon landing, he has never stopped wanting to go there. Mario Cavalieri runs a neighborhood hardware store in Rome, until the day his existence is upset by the phone ring. His brother Dario is in prison. Mario finds himself being the only one who can take care of that brother he has seen only once in his life. The two brothers, as physically similar as they are different in character, will find themselves alone in the face of an impossible undertaking.
A community of monks lives isolated from the world, practicing martial arts and following the master’s strict rules. This film investigates their harsh life and the flow of Time in unique closed environment, to approach deep motivations of a radical choice, and the reasons that pushed the monks away from their affections.
Rainbow: A Private Affair
Extraído de la novela de Beppe Fenoglio, Un asunto privado sigue la historia del joven partidista Milton (Luca Marinelli), enamorado de la bella Fulvia, perdiendo el hilo durante la guerra de resistencia en las Langhe. En el contexto de la batalla partidista, el protagonista emprende un viaje heroico en busca del amor perdido y de la verdad que gira en torno a él. Gracias a la complicidad de la encargada de la villa (Anna Ferruzzo), donde los dos amantes pasaron sus noches, Milton descubre el terrible secreto que vagará por su camino: contorsionado y peligroso, salpicado de enemigos y desafíos insuperables.
Fuego en el mar
La isla de Lampedusa es el punto más meridional de Italia, que desde 1990 se ha convertido en un lugar masivo de desembarco de inmigrantes ilegales procedentes de tierras africanas. En poco más de 20 años, más de 20.000 personas se han ahogado durante la travesía para alcanzar lo que para muchos supone vía de entrada a Europa, y que les debería permitir escapar de la guerra y el hambre. Samuel vive en la isla, tiene 12 años, va a la escuela, le gusta tirar con la honda e ir de caza. Le gustan los juegos de tierra, pese a que todo a su alrededor habla del mar y de los hombres, mujeres y niños que intentan cruzarlo para llegar allí. (FILMAFFINITY)
Maravilloso Boccaccio
Ambientada en la Florencia azotada por la Peste Negra entre 1348 y 1349. Huyendo de la epidemia, diez jóvenes se refugian en el campo y pasan el tiempo contando breves historias. Ya sean trágicos o ingeniosos, eróticos o grotescos, todos los relatos tienen un único protagonista, el amor en sus múltiples formas. Y el amor acabará siendo, para estos jóvenes, el mejor antídoto contra el sufrimiento y las incertidumbres de la época.
Appuntamento a ora insolita
Letters from Sahara
The story of a young Senegalese man who treks the Sahara, takes an immigrant boat bound for Italy, the attempts to eke out a living there - finally deciding to return to his native place. Vittorio De Seta's first fiction feature since 1969.
Cuore scatenato
In Sicily, in a time not yet forgotten, in the heart of a small secluded town populated by cicadas, ticks and venomous snakes, that which made a man a real man was not riches or power, but his honor. He had to defend his dignity against insults and village gossip. It took little to stoke the fire once lit, and no one was immune. One of the worst humiliations a man can suffer was to have an adulterous wife. A man so disgraced would bear the mark of shame, with all eyes of the community upon him. It was said that "his horns were sticking out" for all to see.
To Die for Tano
Shot in his butcher shop by a rival clan during the Mafia wars of 1988, the Palermo Mobster Tano Guarrasi is mourned by his wife, four unmarried sisters and his daughter. But in truth, his death represents a kind of liberation for the women.
Il gioco delle ombre
A writer is haunted by eerie appearances after the death of his wife.
In the Highest of Skies
A group of pilgrims in the Vatican is trapped in an enclosed elevator. Then chaos erupts, and repressed urges come to the surface.