El policía Antonio intenta salvar a la bailarina María Dolores, que se halla en manos de una banda de contrabandistas de droga
Amigo del barbero (uncredited)
Cantinflas es un singular barbero que, entre corte y corte de pelo, recibe lecciones de leyes de un anciano vecino. Éste le propone asesoramiento para defender en los tribunales a los desfavorecidos del barrio. Su éxito le procura los votos del distrito en las elecciones a diputado, ya que el otro candidato, Don Pulcro, no es aceptado por nadie.
A young woman becomes pregnant but when his boyfriend leaves her she gets a job as a prostitute in order to provide for her child.
Pueblerino (uncredited)
Liberal farmer Pepe has arrived in Santa Fe to visit his aunt, Dona Perfecta. While he's there, Pepe is eager to teach the traditional-minded townspeople a new way of living. Unfortunately for Pepe the people of Santa Fe aren't eager to embrace change, and when the citizens begin to voice resentment Pepe is forced to seek refuge with his sympathetic aunt. Dona Perfecta is just as traditional as any of the other townspeople though, and only suffers Pepe due to the fact that he is family. When Pepe and his cousin Rosario fall deeply in love, the situation quickly comes to a head.
Jugador (uncredited)
Don Quintín es un modesto viajante de comercio que pasa por continuos apuros económicos. Un día descubre a su esposa con otro hombre en la cama y la echa de casa. Dudando de la paternidad de su pequeña hija la abandona. Pero al cabo de los años decide buscarla.
Gerente del hotel (uncredited)
The movie starts with Braulio Peláez (Pedro Infante), a schoolteacher, having just fallen off his horse, representing the situation he and his family are in. The next scenes introduce the viewer to his family and their poor financial and social situation. As Braulio stumbles around looking for his glasses, he causes a famous film star, Alfonso de Madrazo (Rafael Alcaide) to crash his car. Braulio offers him to eat at his house as an apology. Braulio's sister and mother, big film fans, immediately recognise Alfonso and attempt to get him to bring the girl, Luisa Peláez (Irma Dolores) to Mexico City to become a film star. Alfonso agrees and tells them to come to the capital.
Puestero (uncredited)
La muerte de Cardoza, candidato a presidente municipal de un pueblo y enemigo del cacique Rosauro Castro, lleva al licenciado García Mata a emprender una investigación. Al llegar se da cuenta de que el pueblo entero, incluyendo al presidente municipal, vive atemorizado por el cacique y que solo la venganza logrará poner fin a las injusticias cometidas por Rosauro Castro
El hijo de un ranchero asesinado busca venganza y mientras tanto se enamora de una bella y rebelde mujer.
Cock fight spectator
El Amor de M Bohio, which translates to "The Love of My Hut" (or shack ) and it comes from the lyrics o a popular love ballad of the same name. It is Director Juan Orol's tale of a violent love triangle where two farm hands out to prove who is the most macho, and thereby win the affections of a woman. This tragic love story takes place on a tropical plantation located just outside of Havana, where its workers are housed in small, thatched-roof "bohios". The two rival suitors are driven by passion for the girl they both love, and soon engage in a series of challenges designed to help this young woman choose the right guy in the end. These competitions start out to include simple and benign activities at first, like dancing, singing and dueling guitars, or betting on the winning bird at a cock-fight, However, they soon escalate to more violent activities, like public brawls, and saber dueling, which set life changing events into motion for everyone.
Luis Antonio, José Luis y Luis Manuel García son tres primos pendencieros que únicamente entran en orden cuando su abuela, la enérgica doña Luisa, los agarra a bastonazos. La llegada de Lupita Smith, prima de los muchachos nacida en los Estados Unidos, desata la competencia entre ellos por conquistar a su rubia pariente. Además, una venganza familiar enfrenta a los García con los temibles primos López. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mayordomo (uncredited)
Magdalena y María son hermanas gemelas que la vida ha llevado por caminos separados. Mientras Magdalena ha quedado viuda de un millonario, María trabaja de manicurista. La desesperación lleva a María a asesinar a su hermana y a hacerse pasar por ella, sin imaginarse que el destino le tiene reservada una cruel sorpresa. Con Dolores del Río en un doble papel.
Manegador de hotel
Stage magician/amateur detective helps police to solve a murder.
Gerente hotel (uncredited)
Cantinflas es el vivo retrato de Manolete, el famoso torero. Manolete está invitado a la fiesta de Anita y Cantinflas también quiere ir. Manolete viaja en en tren y Cantinflas en el mismo, pero sin billete. Para escapar del revisor Cantinflas roba la ropa de un viajero, que resulta ser Manolete. Manolete acaba en la cárcel mientras Cantinflas es recibido con todos los honores en la finca de Anita.
A 1940 film.
An elderly homeless dude lucks into a situation where a young woman's uncle and her boyfriend ask him to impersonate her long-lost father and give her some nurturing parent attention.