Nemesio Gil


Cuatro jóvenes, quienes no muestran ningún respeto por sus mayores, se levantan una mañana con la sorpresa que tienen 70 años.
Historia sobre la crisis económica y social de una familia de clase media, que ve en la venta ilegal de películas el medio para salir adelante y pagar sus deudas. Así se desatan una serie de problemáticas que afectan el entorno familiar.
Sara Rodríguez faces a mid-life crisis, succumbing to the media clamor for a youthful appearance with everything from collagen to breast enhancements, as she faces her menopause. What she really needs is her workaholic husband's attention. After turning the world upside, Sara finds the solution where she least expects it.
Sara Rodríguez faces a mid-life crisis, succumbing to the media clamor for a youthful appearance with everything from collagen to breast enhancements, as she faces her menopause. What she really needs is her workaholic husband's attention. After turning the world upside, Sara finds the solution where she least expects it.