All levels of fitness and ages are welcome to join this balanced workout, which helps you gain strength while improving mobility and confidence.
This simple yet effective workout routine targets your back and abdominal muscles while moving at a pace that’s accessible to all fitness levels.
Pilates Bootcamp workout combines the key principles of Pilates core stability and the traditional style of bootcamp training. Core stability is the very essence of Pilates technique. It simply refers to making your center - or your core - solid and strong. Pilates Bootcamp workout will give you a lithe and powerful body resistant to the everyday stresses of work and life. This is a full body conditioning program, which will lengthen and strengthen your muscles - with the added advantage of improving your muscle-to-fat ratio and correcting your posture. Get to grips with three essential areas: Breathing / Pelvic Floor Muscles / Deep Abdominal Muscles
This is the must have addition to the Gymball range which has now successfully established itself as a credible form of exercise. This programme is a fantastic combo of three routines fusing Gymball with aerobic and toning exercises. Aerobic Fat Burning: A Split level workout that burns fat fast and improves fitness levels. Legs, Bums & Tums: This workout specifically targets problem areas, such as thighs, buttocks and stomachs. Losing the excess fat and building up muscle strength whilst toning and improving overall shape. Posture And Core Stability: This final workout targets posture, helping to improve stance whilst strenggthening core stability.
En estos días, debido a nuestro estilo de vida, es difícil encontrar el tiempo para relajarse y deshacerse del estrés. El masaje sueco es una práctica escandinava que no sólo resulta beneficiosa para el que la recibe, sino también para el que la da. Usando una variada combinación de aceites de masaje, y a través de una sucesión de técnicas de probada eficacia, el masaje sueco constituye un sencillo y a la vez muy eficaz método de relajación, que comienza con suaves presiones y concluye con una serie de movimientos tonificantes. El programa le guiará y le instruirá, mostrándole lo fácil que es realizar este tipo de masaje. Aprenda cómo practicar el masaje sueco, con un amigo o con su pareja, en la intimidad de su propia casa. Lynn Sawyer es una practicante de la medicina alternativa altamente cualificada. Dirige su propia clínica de masaje sueco y es una activa promotora del acercamiento a la medicina integrada.