Antje Heyn


META is an animated film that takes up topics such as change, transience, cycles, connection, and interaction in a playful and experimental way.
META is an animated film that takes up topics such as change, transience, cycles, connection, and interaction in a playful and experimental way.
Cat Lake City
Graphic Designer
It’s summer, the sun is shining, and the cooling waters of the lake are just a few steps away. Nothing could ruin this peaceful atmosphere. Or could it? An angry family of ducks and a broken inflatable toy will sure try their best.
Cat Lake City
It’s summer, the sun is shining, and the cooling waters of the lake are just a few steps away. Nothing could ruin this peaceful atmosphere. Or could it? An angry family of ducks and a broken inflatable toy will sure try their best.
PAWO ( “valiente” en Tibetano) es la aventura mágica de un pequeño juguete que se encuentra en un curioso mundo. Gracias a algunos extraños compañeros, gradualmente se da cuenta de sus virtudes y habilidades.
PAWO ( “valiente” en Tibetano) es la aventura mágica de un pequeño juguete que se encuentra en un curioso mundo. Gracias a algunos extraños compañeros, gradualmente se da cuenta de sus virtudes y habilidades.
Trial & Error
A man loses his shirt button, so he starts to improvise with items he finds in his drawers.
Trial & Error
A man loses his shirt button, so he starts to improvise with items he finds in his drawers.