Roy Ayton


Play Safe
Sponsored as part of the Electricity Council's 'Understanding Electricity' campaign, Play Safe is a series of three hard-hitting fillers designed to highlight to children the potentially fatal consequences of playing near overhead electric lines and substations. The carefree attitude of the youngsters as they fly their kites and radio-controlled planes in the open air is undermined by composer Harry Robinson's electronic soundtrack, which pulsates with menace throughout. — Katy McGahan
A Man's World
A BAFTA award winning documentary following the middle water trawlers and the life aboard them.
Ernie Turner es liberado de un hospital psiquiátrico y trasladado a su apartamento. Alienado e indiferente a la vida, conoce a Donna mientras deambula por la calle. Donna se apiada de él a pesar de su estado terminal de confusión.
Window shopping children watch as toy soldiers come to life and fight a war with all its unvarnished ferocity and horror.
Assistant Editor
Comprising train and track footage quickly shot just before a heavy winter's snowfall was melting, the multi-award-winning classic that emerged from the cutting-room compresses British Rail's dedication to blizzard-battling into a thrilling eight-minute montage cut to music. Tough-as-boots workers struggling to keep the line clear are counterpointed with passengers' buffet-car comforts.
Beyond the Speed of Sound
Assistant Editor
This final in the three part documentary series looks at the capabilities of modern commercial aircraft to regularly travel faster than the speed of sound.