Costume Designer
Two brothers Timo and Ralf are petty criminals. When Timo hears that his girlfriend does not see a future with him, he with Ralf and his friend Martin try to carry out a dangerous coup that may eventually win her eternal affections.
Costume Designer
The kids and Uncle Anders want to participate in the hotels competition to become “The Sunny Family of The Year” but father says no, underlining that “We’re good enough as we are!” He changes his mind, though, when he meets the competing family, and recognize the father as his old school mate, who’s been bullying him for all of their school years, for being physically inadequate. Consequently father enters the competition with all his might and heart, and what should have been a friendly contest, ends up being a fight for honor and redemption, and it’s only by the loving and innovative intervention from the kids, that father in the ends realizes that the family really doesn’t need to go to any of such extremes. They are actually good enough as they are!
Costume Design
Three siblings ingeniously avoid being sent off to a children's home while their solo-mother serves a short sentence in a prison for shoplifting. Rather than have the news leak out and have to be escorted off with the eccentric welfare officer, they invent a 'never present' dad who is looking after them.
Costume Design
A new foreman, Huus, arrives in a sleepy Danish village, much to the delight of the unmarried women there. However, Huus becomes very friendly with Katinka and her husband, Bai, the stationmaster. Katinka, childless and in frail health, gradually falls in love with Huus, though her husband does not seem to notice. Based on the work by Herman Bang.
Costume Design
Nos situamos en la costa danesa a mediados del siglo XIX, en una comunidad dominada por la moral y los prejuicios. La religión se sitúa en el centro de todo a través de todas las restricciones que se puedan imaginar. Para escapar de la represión sórdida del municipio rural, Babette (Stéphane Audran, 'El carnicero'), desembarca una tarde de tormenta en la salvaje costa de Jutland. Se convierte en la mujer de servicio de las dos hijas de un pastor muy puritano y se integra fácilmente en la austera comunidad. Pero después de catorce años en el exilio, recibirá fondos inesperados que le permitirán volver a su patria. Antes de su regreso, para agredecer a todos su hospitalidad, propondrá preparar con ese dinero una gran cena francesa para celebrar el centésimo aniversario del nacimiento del difunto pastor.