Finales del s. X. Tras la muerte de su padre Sviatoslav I, gobernante de la Rus de Kiev, el joven príncipe vikingo Vladimir de Nóvgorod se ve obligado a exiliarse en el mar helado para escapar de su hermanastro traidor Yaropolk, que ha asesinado a su otro hermano Oleg y conquistado el territorio vikingo de la Rus de Kiev. El viejo guerrero Sveneld convence a Vladimir de que reúna un ejército varangio, con la esperanza de reconquistar Nóvgorod de manos de Yaropolk y finalmente enfrentarse a las poderosas tropas bizantinas.
In 16th-century Russia in the grip of chaos, Ivan the Terrible strongly believes he is vested with a holy mission. Believing he can understand and interpret the signs, he sees the Last Judgment approaching. He establishes absolute power, cruelly destroying anyone who gets in his way. During this reign of terror, Philip, the superior of the monastery on the Solovetsky Islands, a great scholar and Ivan's close friend, dares to oppose the sovereign's mystical tyranny. What follows is a clash between two completely opposite visions of the world, smashing morality and justice, God and men. A grand-scale film with excellent leading roles by Mamonov and Yankovsky. An allegory of Stalinist Russia