Mark Bell
Mark Bell is a television Commissioning Editor and Producer based in London, England. He began his career working as an editor in publishing. From 2004, he worked as Channel Executive on BBC Four and BBC Two. In 2007, he became Commissioning Editor of Independent Specialist Factual in Knowledge Commissioning. In 2009, he was appointed Commissioning Editor, Arts. In June 2009, he was confirmed as the Arts Co-ordinator of the BBC.
Executive Producer
Ike White fue un prodigio musical que grabó un álbum clásico de funk y soul dentro de una prisión californiana en 1974. Luego desapareció. 30 años después, el director Dan Vernon lo rastreó, solo para encontrar un rastro de esposas, vidas e identidades falsas que dejan tantas preguntas como respuestas.
Commissioning Editor
Playful, moving portrait of Raymond Briggs, told through interviews with Raymond, animation illustrated by Chris Riddell, and contributions from friends and admirers.
Commissioning Editor
How Andrew Davies transforms the classics into prime-time television. A profile exploring both his creative process and the influence of his childhood in Cardiff.
Commissioning Editor
The dramatic story of Egon Schiele in his own words, celebrating his remarkable artistic achievements but also debating the controversies around his work.
Executive Producer
Un viaje poético al mundo visual del legendario cineasta y actor Orson Welles (1915-85) que revela un nuevo retrato de un genio único, tanto de su vida como de su monumental obra: a través de sus propios ojos, dibujado por su propia mano, pintado con su propio pincel.
Commissioning Editor
Un viaje emocionante a través de leyendas, creencias y folclore, esta película va detrás de escena de la Biblioteca Británica mientras buscan contar esa historia a través de objetos en su colección, en una nueva y ambiciosa exposición: Harry Potter: Una historia de magia. JK Rowling, que está donando manuscritos, dibujos y borradores inéditos de sus archivos privados (que residirán junto a los tesoros de la Biblioteca Británica, así como borradores y dibujos originales de Jim Kay) habla sobre algunos de los objetos personales que ha donado para la exposición. y da una nueva visión de su escritura, mirando algunos de los objetos de la exposición que dispararon su imaginación.
Executive Producer
Una provocadora y poética exploración de cómo el pueblo británico ha visto su propia tierra a través de más de un siglo de cine. Un viaje alucinado de inmensa belleza y brutalidad. Un ensayo caleidoscópico sobre cómo la magia y la locura han unido al ser humano con la naturaleza desde el principio de los tiempos.
Commissioning Editor
This film tells Jean-Michel's story through exclusive interviews with his two sisters Lisane and Jeanine, who have never before agreed to be interviewed for a TV documentary. With striking candour, Basquiat's art dealers - including Larry Gagosian, Mary Boone and Bruno Bischofberger - as well as his most intimate friends, lovers and fellow artists, expose the cash, the drugs and the pernicious racism which Basquiat confronted on a daily basis. As historical tableaux, visual diaries of defiance or surfaces covered with hidden meanings, Basquiat's art remains the beating heart of this story.
Commissioning Editor
In this unique, compelling film, those who knew him speak freely, some for the first time, to reveal the many mysteries of Francis Bacon.
Executive Producer
In this unique, compelling film, those who knew him speak freely, some for the first time, to reveal the many mysteries of Francis Bacon.
Commissioning Editor
The 1916 Battle of the Somme remains the most famous battle of World War I, remembered for its bloodshed and its limited territorial gains. What is often overlooked, however, is the literary importance of the Somme: more writers and poets fought in it than in any other battle in history. Narrated by Michael Sheen, War of Words: Soldier-Poets of the Somme details the experiences of the poets and writers who served in the battle. The work of Siegfried Sassoon, Robert Graves, David Jones, Isaac Rosenberg and JRR Tolkien (who arrived at the Western Front with ambitions to be a poet) was informed and transformed by the battle. Taken together, their experiences allow us to see this dreadful historical event through multiple points of view. The film uses animation, documentary accounts, surviving artefacts, battalion war diaries and the landscape itself to reconnect this literature to the events that inspired it.
Executive Producer
Parte de la serie de gran rendimiento de PBS. El renombrado actor de Shakespeare Patrick Stewart aparece como el antihéroe homónimo en esta adaptación de la era soviética de una de las tragedias más oscuras y poderosas de Shakespeare.